Dear all,

I was wondering whether the features of the system clock of a virtual instance (compute or storage) may be of interest for the user. I wrote down 500 words on the topic (see Google doc below), and I'd be pleased to know your opinions, taking advantage of the intense "brain storm" during next OGF.



2011/9/12 Thijs Metsch <>
Dear all,

Since the OGF schedule ( is finally published I wanted to give you an heads up on the plans we have for this event. We have a set of desired outcomes for this event which includes:

* a first (draft) JSON rendering doc
* a more detailed plan on OVF integration/rendering
* a first (draft) for the experience doc

Since this requires some work we’ll have a full day F2F meeting which is really a working group session where we will hack documents and discuss. This all-day event will take place on Monday Sept. 19.

Next to this F2F meeting we have some more general sessions. They will take place on Wednesday Sept. 20. These are the agendas:

1. Session - Group presentations:
  Introduction (chairs) 15 min
  FI-ware - Andy Edmonds - 15min
  Contrail - Yves Yegon - 15min
  Implementation updates / OCCI implementation demos (OpenNebula, OpenStack, TBC)

2. Session - Group discussion:
 Update on discussion outcomes of our F2F meeting
 Current OCCI Critiques on model or renderings (bring your REST hat :-))
 Upcoming OCCI Monitoring/Negotiation
 JSON/OVF discussion

3. Session OCCI/CDMI integration
 We’ll try to dial into the Cloud plug-fest during this session.

For remote participants: please join our IRC channel during the meetings and look for the skype user occi.wg if you wanna connect remotely.

Hope to see you in Lyon,

occi-wg mailing list

Augusto Ciuffoletti
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università di Pisa
56100 - Pisa (Italy)