
The paper starts from the SLA+Monitoring draft: therefore it incorporates many ideas more or less explicit in that document. Indeed, it is meant to take as much as possible from the draft.

Next OGF is in a couple of weeks: I cannot be in Chicago by that time. And in any case it should firstly go through some discussion in the group, otherwise it is just "my" paper. But I'd be certainly happy to present it at OGF37 or during similar events. However, if anybody goes to OGF36 in Chicago, I'd be glad if the paper were referenced or presented.

And co-authoring is also welcome: if anybody wants to help me in the task, s/he is welcome. I think that it is also possible to aim at an academic publication, for those that are interested to.


2012/9/21 Michael Behrens <michael.behrens@r2ad.com>
I find this (after a quick read) to be very interesting. I like the OCCI-Filter resource concept.  I believe some earlier threads discussed the need for such behavior (I believe Gary may have mentioned something about that before). 

Although this is part of the overall SLA work, I agree that make it modular helps...and in fact enables this to stand alone to address other use-cases.  Well done.
Would this be presented in the future - perhaps at the next OGF?

Augusto Ciuffoletti wrote:
Hi all,

enclosed you find the 7 pages paper about OCCI-Monitoring.

While working at the OCCI-SLA/Monitoring draft, I realized that the whole issue was too much for a single document. The reason to modularize it is the same as for modularizing software: in a word, monolithic is bad.

So I tried to describe monitoring in OCCI terms: there is a section that explains how this model interacts with the SLA, and with infrastructure resources, and the interface between them is sufficiently small to claim that the modularization was successful.

My suggestion for managing the collaboration on this paper (whose source is in LaTeX, but that I send you as a pdf) is by email and annotations: there are many free tools that enable to annotate a pdf. I suggest "xournal" or "okular", that are supported by many platforms. You can annotate and send me the file that contains the annotations (.xoj for xournal). If you send your annotations to the list others --- using the appropriate tool --- can see your annotations. There are LaTeX collaboration platforms, but I think they are not useful at this stage.


2012/9/18 Augusto Ciuffoletti <augusto@di.unipi.it>
Before the end of this week I'll submit to the maillist a paper about SLA/monitoring. I considered that the whole SLA+monitoring was too much for a single document, and I concentrated on the monitoring part: the connection with SLA is explicit, but the paper covers a generic monitoring infrastructure, not specific for SLA. So the paper is not syntactically derived from the old one, but it is aligned with it and should hopefully give a sound basis for discussion.

Further, I tried to adhere to the revision of the "core" document that circulated in the maillist.



2012/9/18 Metsch, ThijsX <thijsx.metsch@intel.com>

Hi all,


There will be no call today as many of us are double and or tripple booked today.


Next week we’ll pick up the calls again too hopefully finalize the JSON and SLA/Monitoring discussions.





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occi-wg mailing list

Augusto Ciuffoletti
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università di Pisa
56100 - Pisa (Italy)

Augusto Ciuffoletti
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università di Pisa
56100 - Pisa (Italy)

occi-wg mailing list

Augusto Ciuffoletti
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università di Pisa
56100 - Pisa (Italy)