From: [] On Behalf Of Bob Marcus
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 5:00 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: FYI: Conference on International Government Clouds in March in Reston, Virginia


On October 12, there is going to be a Government Cloud Executives Session at the International Cloud Symposium outside London. (See the speaker list below.)  The Symposium also includes two International Standards Roadmapping Sessions featuring European, UK, and American leaders (e.g. NIST).


In March,  a follow-on Conference with a similar level of international Cloud executive participants  will be held in Reston, Virginia hosted by the Cloud Standards Customer Council.  Several of the October speakers have already signed up to participate. The date will be March 20 or 21. Some of the topics are listed below. Any feedback on possible topics would be valuable. 


- Federated Trust (Federated Identity, Authentication, Authorization, Policy, Regulatory, Monitoring)

- Data Transfers (Categorizing Data, Regulatory Constraints, Policy, Security, Interface and Format Standards)

- Shared Resources (Global Public Utilities, Service Catalogs, Resource Descriptions, Access Mechanisms)


There is now a window of opportunity to establish international government collaboration on Cloud data and resource interoperability. In a few years, the national Cloud infrastructures and frameworks will be more complex and it will be difficult to retrofit Cloud collaboration across international boundaries. 


Bob Marcus



Government Cloud Executives at International Cloud Symposium



:  Jerry Horton (CIO of USAID

Jerry is the Chair of the US Cloud Computing Executive Steering Committee


EC:  Megan Richards( Director of Converged Networks and Services for EC Information Society and Media Directorate General)


China: Jinzy Zhu (Former Program Director, Cloud Computing Center - Greater China at IBM

Jinzy's team is delivering Cloud Computing Solutions to major  Chinese clients. IBM China is building Asia's largest data center

Jinzy Zhu  has left IBM and will now be "spearheading Cloud development in China".


UK: Mark O'Neill, (Head, HMG Skunkworks, Government Digital Service, Cabinet Office, UK)

The Skunkworks is an innovative group within the UK Government IT organization that is developing a Cloud Computing framework


Singapore: Lee Hing Yan  (Program Director of Singapore National Grid Office at the Infocomm Development Authority)

He is responsible for the national program for cloud computing. Singapore is becoming a leader in Cloud Computing.


India: M.R. Rajagopalan (Director at C-DAC)

Coordinator National Resource Centre for Free/Open Source software


Canada: Jirka Danek  (CTO of the Department of Shared  Services Canada) 

Jirka is leading Canada's Cloud Computing Initiative

He can't make the October Session but will participate in March