Fwd: [techx-announce] Call for Participation - Deadline Extended | Internet2

Assume you saw this? If not, hope it is of interest. Thanks, Alan Begin forwarded message: From: Membership <membership@internet2.edu<mailto:membership@internet2.edu>> Subject: [techx-announce] Call for Participation - Deadline Extended | Internet2 Date: May 29, 2014 at 2:51:48 PM CDT To: "callforparticipants@internet2.edu<mailto:callforparticipants@internet2.edu>" <callforparticipants@internet2.edu<mailto:callforparticipants@internet2.edu>>, "techx-announce@internet2.edu<mailto:techx-announce@internet2.edu>" <techx-announce@internet2.edu<mailto:techx-announce@internet2.edu>> Having trouble viewing this page in your email? View the online version<http://meetings.internet2.edu/2014-technology-exchange/email/call-participation-extended> in your browser. [Technology Exchange banner]<https://meetings.internet2.edu/2014-technology-exchange/> Call for Participation Deadline Extended! The Call for Participation<https://meetings.internet2.edu/2014-technology-exchange/call-participation/> for the 2014 Technology Exchange is open, including calls for session proposals, working meetings and sponsors. The theme for this inaugural Technology Exchange—held in collaboration with the Department of Energy’s Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), and hosted this year by Indiana University—is “Envision. Collaborate. Innovate.” When computing, networking and storage converge to support advanced applications, a complete advanced technology landscape comes into view. Pioneers and architects in the fields of trust and identity, virtualization, cloud services, security, high-performance computing, storage and networking are invited to share expertise in a venue designed to facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas and information. Together, contributors will advance the state of the art in all these technologies, and forge new connections among them. Full information on program tracks, examples of related topics, and links to program session and working meeting submission forms, can be found on the Call for Participation page<https://meetings.internet2.edu/2014-technology-exchange/call-participation/>. The submission deadline is Sunday, June 8, 2014. We are also offering a range of meeting sponsorship packages. Please see Technology Exchange Sponsorship<https://www.internet2.edu/news-events/events/event-sponsorship/technology-exchange-sponsorship/> for full details. Feel free to forward this announcement to colleagues that might be interested in contributing to our community—and see you in October! Follow us, like us, visit us! [Facebook icon]<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Internet2/139036148088> [Twitter icon] <http://www.twitter.com/Internet2> [Pinterest icon] <http://pinterest.com/internet2> [LinkedIn icon] <http://www.linkedin.com/companies/internet2> Hashtag: #techx14 2014 Technology Exchange | © 2014 Internet2
participants (1)
Sill, Alan