Re: [Nsi-wg] Issue 17 in ogf-nsi-project: minn/Max bandwidth

Comment #2 on issue 17 by minn/Max bandwidth At the moment we return a reservationInfo structure in the reserveConfirmed message to let the requesting NSA know which parameters were selected by the provider for the reservation. With min/desired/max bandwidth in the reserve request, where do we put the actually commited bandwidth rate? So we say it comes back in the desired fields, or should we define a new structure for this in the confirmed response?

Comment #3 on issue 17 by minn/Max bandwidth Jerry: the risk of leaving this is that the min and max could be miss-interpreted. John: since current usage is malformed, we should remove until a better thought through solution is designed. Solution: reduce the to just bandwidth for rel 1.1, and then we can review again for 2.0

Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #4 on issue 17 by minn/Max bandwidth This issue was closed by revision r22.

Updates: Labels: FixedWithUpdateR22 Comment #5 on issue 17 by minn/Max bandwidth (No comment was entered for this change.)
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