Hi all, So far so good :) We have almost final version of the abstract (see attachment). I cleaned the document from track changes, and put last edits from Jerry and John. Since we have 9 authors by now, I've put a table with all of them to fit on one page. I will mark we want to put a full paper (if TNC will accept the abstract), which has chanced to be published then in some recognizable media, so there will be even more work but more space to get into every (well, most) aspect of the NSI in details. Authors - please verify affiliations, I took addresses from web pages! I am still missing the references - ogf is still migrating and I can't access gridforge! Does anyone have copies of architecture and NSI CS specifications? I would appreciated the title and authors list ASAP. I am now closing alone in a room to the final overall reading. This is the last call for changes! The submittion deadline is 5pm but TNC servers are quite heavy utilised at that time and someone can fail to submit ;) so further changes may not be uploaded for evaluation. Best regards Radek ________________________________________________________________________ Radoslaw Krzywania Network Research and Development Poznan Supercomputing and radek.krzywania@man.poznan.pl Networking Center +48 61 850 25 26 http://www.man.poznan.pl ________________________________________________________________________

On 30 Nov 2011, at 13:13, Radek Krzywania wrote:
I am still missing the references - ogf is still migrating and I can't access gridforge! Does anyone have copies of architecture and NSI CS specifications? I would appreciated the title and authors list ASAP.
NSI Connection Service Protocol v1.0 Guy Roberts, Tomohiro Kudoh, Inder Monga, and Jerry Sobieski Jeroen.
participants (2)
Jeroen van der Ham
Radek Krzywania