Fwd: Invitation to the joint SDOs/Fora Workshop (4th June at TMF Week in Nice): on Industry Harmonization for Unified Standards on AMC (Autonomics), SDN, NFV, 5G, ..

Dear Richard and folks in the NSI group, I received the invitation below, which was also addressed to Richard, so he should also have gotten it. I am unable to attend the event mentioned at that time, but thought you might consider interacting with that group, and with the author of the paper mentioned. The link to that paper was not provided in the message, but appears to be http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6979980 Any representation of OGF work in this or other settings in which issues relevant to our work would be appreciated. Also advice to the community in terms of informational, community practice or other relevant OGF documents that would help make sense of the landscape here, especially for cloud, grid and other forms of distributed computing, would be welcome. Please let me know if you would like to attend this event on behalf of OGF> We have an existing MoU with TM Forum on work on service agreements, and one to extend this work with them or with other relevant organizations for other cooperative or joint work is possible. Please also feel free to suggest BoF sessions on this or other relevant topics for this or other possible new work at OGF 43 March 25-27 near Washington DC, or at OGF 44 to take place May 21-22 during the week of the EGI Spring Conference in Lisbon, or at other upcoming events. Thanks and best regards, Alan Sill VP of Standards, OGF Begin forwarded message: Date: February 20, 2015 at 8:59:56 AM CST From: Ranganai Chaparadza <ran4chap@yahoo.com<mailto:ran4chap@yahoo.com>> Reply-To: Ranganai Chaparadza <ran4chap@yahoo.com<mailto:ran4chap@yahoo.com>> To: "georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com<mailto:georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com>" <georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com<mailto:georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com>>, BEN MERIEM Tayeb IMT/OLN <tayeb.benmeriem@orange.com<mailto:tayeb.benmeriem@orange.com>>, Kenneth Dilbeck <kdilbeck@tmforum.org<mailto:kdilbeck@tmforum.org>>, "STEVEN A. WRIGHT" <sw3588@att.com<mailto:sw3588@att.com>>, John Strassner <john.sc.strassner@huawei.com<mailto:john.sc.strassner@huawei.com>>, John Strassner <strazpdj@gmail.com<mailto:strazpdj@gmail.com>>, "Klaus Martiny" <klaus.martiny@telekom.de<mailto:klaus.martiny@telekom.de>>, STEFAN ENGEL-FLECHSIG <stefan.engel-flechsig@ngmn.org<mailto:stefan.engel-flechsig@ngmn.org>>, Klaus Moschner <klaus.moschner@ngmn.org<mailto:klaus.moschner@ngmn.org>>, "manish_patil@dell.com<mailto:manish_patil@dell.com>" <manish_patil@dell.com<mailto:manish_patil@dell.com>>, Mehmet Ulema <mehmet.ulema@manhattan.edu<mailto:mehmet.ulema@manhattan.edu>>, Takashi Egawa <t-egawa@ct.jp.nec.com<mailto:t-egawa@ct.jp.nec.com>>, FRANCISCO JAVIER RAMON SALGUERO <fjrs@tid.es<mailto:fjrs@tid.es>>, Latif Ladid <latif@ladid.lu<mailto:latif@ladid.lu>>, Ciprian Popoviciu <chip@nephos6.com<mailto:chip@nephos6.com>>, Corbi Cecilia Maria <ceciliamaria.corbi@telecomitalia.it<mailto:ceciliamaria.corbi@telecomitalia.it>>, Christiantoche Toche <christian.toche@huawei.com<mailto:christian.toche@huawei.com>>, Niranth Amogh <namogh@huawei.com<mailto:namogh@huawei.com>>, "Chenshan (Sunny)" <chenshan@huawei.com<mailto:chenshan@huawei.com>>, 'Zoltán Lajos Kis' <zoltan.lajos.kis@ericsson.com<mailto:zoltan.lajos.kis@ericsson.com>>, Pinnola Andrea <andrea.pinnola@telecomitalia.it<mailto:andrea.pinnola@telecomitalia.it>>, "Yanick Pouffary (gmail)" <yanick.pouffary@gmail.com<mailto:yanick.pouffary@gmail.com>>, "Jerry Zhu (Wenjie)" <jerry.zhuwenjie@huawei.com<mailto:jerry.zhuwenjie@huawei.com>>, Likepeng <likepeng@huawei.com<mailto:likepeng@huawei.com>>, Dave Milham <dmilham@tmforum.org<mailto:dmilham@tmforum.org>>, Banzi Massimo <massimo.banzi@telecomitalia.it<mailto:massimo.banzi@telecomitalia.it>>, Robin Mersh <rmersh@broadband-forum.org<mailto:rmersh@broadband-forum.org>>, Hui Li <hui.li@huawei.com<mailto:hui.li@huawei.com>>, "Bob Cohen" <bcohen@tmforum.org<mailto:bcohen@tmforum.org>>, "Michael Behringer (mbehring)" <mbehring@cisco.com<mailto:mbehring@cisco.com>>, Stephen Fratini <stephen.fratini@ericsson.com<mailto:stephen.fratini@ericsson.com>>, "jean-marie.calmel@oracle.com<mailto:jean-marie.calmel@oracle.com>" <jean-marie.calmel@oracle.com<mailto:jean-marie.calmel@oracle.com>>, "Masakatsu FUJIWARA" <masa.fujiwara@hco.ntt.co.jp<mailto:masa.fujiwara@hco.ntt.co.jp>>, "egawa@ieee.org<mailto:egawa@ieee.org>" <egawa@ieee.org<mailto:egawa@ieee.org>>, Guchong <guchong@huawei.com<mailto:guchong@huawei.com>>, Latif Ladid <latif.ladid@uni.lu<mailto:latif.ladid@uni.lu>>, "Pekka.Olli@teliasonera.com<mailto:Pekka.Olli@teliasonera.com>" <pekka.olli@teliasonera.com<mailto:pekka.olli@teliasonera.com>>, "robert.bohn@nist.gov<mailto:robert.bohn@nist.gov>" <robert.bohn@nist.gov<mailto:robert.bohn@nist.gov>>, "Richard.Hughes-Jones@dante.net<mailto:Richard.Hughes-Jones@dante.net>" <Richard.Hughes-Jones@dante.net<mailto:Richard.Hughes-Jones@dante.net>>, "alan.sill@ttu.edu<mailto:alan.sill@ttu.edu>" <alan.sill@ttu.edu<mailto:alan.sill@ttu.edu>>, Manzalini Antonio <antonio.manzalini@telecomitalia.it<mailto:antonio.manzalini@telecomitalia.it>> Subject: Invitation to the joint SDOs/Fora Workshop (4th June at TMF Week in Nice): on Industry Harmonization for Unified Standards on AMC (Autonomics), SDN, NFV, 5G, .. Dear all, I am writing to invite you to our next "joint SDOs/Fora Workshop on SDOs/Fora Industry Harmonization for Unified Standards on AMC (Autonomic Management & Control), SDN, NFV, 5G, ...: from Silo approach to Cross-SDO Combined Approach". We are glad to be hosted by TMF and we appreciate and thank TMF for agreeing to host the workshop again this year during the TMF Week in June in Nice, France, on the 4th of June. Our plan is to go for a one day workshop like we did last year. We are now inviting various SDOs/Fora to be represented at the workshop. I have also included NIST and OGF who had indicated interest to join other SDOs/Fora in such joint SDOs/Fora discussions. Draft Agenda Items (more elaborate agenda will follow): 1. Present and discuss the status of the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper (first draft was presented at IEEE Globecom), which is aimed at capturing the issues requiring cross SDO/Fora or Joint-SDO harmonization efforts by two or more groups in some coordinated fashion (e.g. bilaterally, etc), including taxonomy harmonization on architectural models, etc. 2. To give each SDO/Fora the opportunity to provide summary update others on roadmaps and ideas they think better synergies or harmonization efforts with other groups could be pursued. These ideas for potential harmonization or synergies will also be added to the white paper. 3. Planning for Globecom 2015, to present updates of the joint SDOs/White Paper during Globecom 2015 in San Diego, California, and the concrete actions and items the SDOs/Fora will be taking (drawing from the white paper) on harmonization of standards. Publications and subsequent publications of the White Paper in the future. Regarding SDN, I would like to draw your attention to the paper by Joel Halpern on "Standards Collisions Around SDN", published in the IEEE Magazine on Communications Standards. We are also inviting such people to join the discussions at the workshop in June, so that we update the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper accordingly. I attach the Report from the workshop we had last year. Best Regards, Ranganai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 11:46 AM, Ranganai Chaparadza <ran4chap@yahoo.com<mailto:ran4chap@yahoo.com>> wrote: Dear all, Greetings in the New Year and Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous 2015! I am sending you the updates from IEEE Globecom 2014 (Austin, Texas), where we presented the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper on Industry Harmonization for Unified Standards on SDN, NFV, Autonomic Management & Control (AMC), 5G, ... Thanks to all panelists, the presentations and discussions at Globecom were very well received. Very good discussions and conclusions on how to keep progressing the Initiative on Industry Harmonization for Unified Standards on SDN, NFV and AMC. Here are the main points we agreed at Globecom 2014 on how to progress things. In a nutshell: 1. We agreed to try to use a Special IEEE Communication Magazine on Standardization (called Communications Standards Supplement) for publishing the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper, to reach a large community. That means as the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper will be maintained as a living document (we will keep updating it), we would want to try to keep publishing all subsequent versions of the White Paper using the IEEE Communications Magazine of Standards. With support of John, Steven, Mehmet, and Tayeb, where necessary, I will check with IEEE on the possibility to make use of this Communications Magazine for publishing and updating the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper. 2. We will arrange for the next joint SDOs/Fora Workshop as follow-up to Globecom 2014 and as follow-up to the joint SDO/Fora Workshop we had in Nice last year, which was hosted by TMF in June 2014. We will check with the SDOs/Fora to see where and when we can co-locate the Workshop with a meeting of one of the SDOs. We could go for the same arrangement like last year, i.e. to request TMF to host the workshop. We start checking things now. In the meantime we will also keep collecting input to the White Paper and continue editing it with John and Tayeb. In case some of you may want to access a lot of interesting Industry Forum Slides presented at Globecom: Here are the details for downloading Slides: Industry Program Presentations Those presentations made available by industry speakers can be found at http://goo.gl/gj9KIG<http://www.cvent.com/events/mproc.aspx?m=0f7a501d-d223-4bad-84c1-549e432aa0f2&u=http%3a%2f%2fgoo.gl%2fgj9KIG&l=%3cspan+style%3d%22font-family%3a+Arial%2c+sans-serif%3b+color%3a+%231155cc%3b+background%3a+white%3b%22%3ehttp%3a%2f%2fgoo.gl%2fgj9KIG%3c%2fspan%3e> for download until Saturday, 31 January 2015. Enter the password: industry2014 to access these presentations. Pictures from IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 Day 1 https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/?set=a. 10152896821128624.1073741870. 46438058623&type=3<https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152896821128624.1073741870.46438058623&type=3> Day 2 https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/?set=a. 10152900837838624.1073741871. 46438058623&type=3<https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152900837838624.1073741871.46438058623&type=3> Day 3 https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/?set=a. 10152903631903624.1073741872. 46438058623&type=3<https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152903631903624.1073741872.46438058623&type=3> Day4 https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/?set=a. 10152905793088624.1073741873. 46438058623&type=3<https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152905793088624.1073741873.46438058623&type=3> Thanks, Best Regards, Ranganai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Monday, December 8, 2014 11:55 AM, Ranganai Chaparadza <ran4chap@yahoo.com<mailto:ran4chap@yahoo.com>> wrote: Hi Steven, Manish, all, Great. Thanks Steven for this very good input to the topic of Open-source and Standardization. Together with Tayeb and John, we will add a section to the White Paper that presents the Perspectives and Recommendations concerning Open-Source and Standardization. Manish Patil (Dell) is chair of the OMG SDN WG, and the subject of Open-Source and open Standards is being discussed in his WG. Manish will be at Globecom (will join panel) and so we will discuss with him after the Panel session to ask OMG SDN WG to provide input on this subject as well into the corresponding section in the white paper. The paper from Steven will also be added to the references in white paper and in the section on this subject in the white paper. @Steven: By the way we encouraged Tarik Taleb who is charing the workshop at Globecom on "Telecommunication Standards: From Research to Standards" to invite their participants to our Industry Forum Sessions IF-12 and IF-24, and he finds this very good to encourage the participants to join the joint SDOs/Fora sessions and learn more on how to contribute to the SDOs/Fora. IF-12: SDN, NFV, Autonomic Management & Control (AMC) of Networks and Services, and IPv6, as Complementary Enablers for 5G Wednesday 10th December: 16:15 – 18:00 Joint SDOs/Fora White Paper Slot: IF-24: Industry Harmonization for Unified Standards on SDN, NFV, Autonomic Management & Control (AMC), 5G, Unified Management of Fixed/Mobile Networks Thursday 11th December: 16:15 – 18:00 See you soon. Best regards, Ranganai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Ranganai, Just looking at the suggested topics for the Wednesday Session, and noticed you were looking for something about open source and standards to be included. As it happens I have a paper on this topic that I am presenting during a Monday Workshop session as well. I’ve attached a copy for those interested in this specific topic. See you in Austin! best regards Steven Wright, MBA, PhD, JD. NFV & SDN Industry Engagement Standards & Industry Alliances AT&T Services Inc. 1057 Lenox Park Blvd NE, STE 4D28 Atlanta, GA 30319 P: 404.499.7030 sw3588@att.com<mailto:sw3588@att.com> @DrStevenAWright www.linkedin.com/in/drstevenawright/<http://www.linkedin.com/in/drstevenawright/> Hide message history From: Ranganai Chaparadza [mailto:ran4chap@yahoo.com] Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 12:06 PM To: georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com<mailto:georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com>; BEN MERIEM Tayeb IMT/OLN; Kenneth Dilbeck; WRIGHT, STEVEN A; John Strassner; John Strassner; Klaus Martiny; STEFAN ENGEL-FLECHSIG; Klaus Moschner; manish_patil@dell.com<mailto:manish_patil@dell.com>; Mehmet Ulema; Takashi Egawa; FRANCISCO JAVIER RAMON SALGUERO; Latif Ladid; Ciprian Popoviciu; Corbi Cecilia Maria; Christiantoche Toche; Niranth Amogh; Chenshan (Sunny); 'Zoltán Lajos Kis'; Pinnola Andrea; Yanick Pouffary (gmail); Jerry Zhu (Wenjie); Likepeng; Dave Milham; Banzi Massimo; Robin Mersh; Hui Li; Bob Cohen; Michael Behringer (mbehring); Stephen Fratini; jean-marie.calmel@oracle.com<mailto:jean-marie.calmel@oracle.com>; Masakatsu FUJIWARA; egawa@ieee.org<mailto:egawa@ieee.org>; Guchong; Latif Ladid; Pekka.Olli@teliasonera.com<mailto:Pekka.Olli@teliasonera.com> Subject: Re: The Draft of the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper and Template soliciting contributions from your Groups Dear all, As Globecom is approaching, I am sending you the Industry Forum Sessions Program in case some of you would like to join us both in the sessions IF12 and IF24 (joint SDOs/Fora White Paper Draft presentation) if you happen to attend Globecom. There might be other sessions in the program you may find interesting ofcourse, including Demos, technical articles sessions in the main program. The larger Globecom program is available here:http://globecom2014.ieee-globecom.org/ For those of you who represent individual SDO/Fora Groups, feel free to send me any updates (even in form of slides if you have any recent updated slides) on your group's activities, as we will summarize what individual groups are doing w.r.t. SDN, NFV, AMC, etc, as part of the living document (white paper) report. Otherwise we will provide summary on the basis of our TMF hosted Nice June Workshop report, and you can send us your updates any time later, even after Globecom. We will share a summary report after Globecom. Thanks to all panelists and all of you. Best Regards, Ranganai On Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:29 PM, Ranganai Chaparadza <ran4chap@yahoo.com<mailto:ran4chap@yahoo.com>> wrote: Dear all, Greetings to you all. We hope you had a good summer break. We are sending you the Draft of the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper we have been structuring and preparing for compiling the contributions from the various SDOs/Fora Groups. Please find attached a clean version of the Draft (makes it easier to read through) and one with track changes. We kept the list of persons who were involved in Nice, but we will be adding more names and will probably have to move the Table of contributors to the end of the paper (as it will grow). Individuals may simply provide comments on some points either directly to us the editors or through their group's collective contributions. Please find attached Template your Group can use to provide us with some input. You will notice that in chapter 11, each Group is allocated a section in which we will put their brief summaries. Any input, including indications of some plans will be fine. The White Paper will be maintained as a living document, the groups will keep updating it. With co-editors: Tayeb, John and Steven, we will put efforts to consolidate all the input as we receive the inputs. We will keep you updated with successive versions of the paper. You have some time to compile input. As we arranged earlier, the first version of the joint SDOs/Fora White paper will be presented at Globecom in December (on the 10th and 11th), Texas, Austin. The panel at Globecom will present on behalf of all the SDOs/Fora, but we encourage people to promote the the White Paper in their organizations as well as participating to the Globecom Industry Forum Sessions in which the paper will be jointly presented (if they can, or they can raise awareness to people from various organizations who will be attending Globecom). For promoting the paper, it may be good to wait for the stable version to come later. I will send more details on the Final Program of Globecom and Indications of the many interesting Industry Forum Sessions that will cover other topics and technologies. Best Regards, Ranganai <http://buy.norton.com/specialoffers?VENDORID=YAHOO> * IEEE- Open Source and Standards-final submission .pdf Download<https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=81u0lks6p73at#>View<https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=81u0lks6p73at#> Reply<https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=81u0lks6p73at#>, Reply All<https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=81u0lks6p73at#> or Forward<https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=81u0lks6p73at#> | More<https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=81u0lks6p73at#> me To WRIGHT, STEVEN A georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com<mailto:georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com> BEN MERIEM Tayeb IMT/OLN Kenneth Dilbeck John Strassnerand 32 more... <https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=81u0lks6p73at#> Dec 8, 2014 Hi Steven, Manish, all, Great. Thanks Steven for this very good input to the topic of Open-source and Standardization. Together with Tayeb and John, we will add a section to the White Paper that presents the Perspectives and Recommendations concerning Open-Source and Standardization. Manish Patil (Dell) is chair of the OMG SDN WG, and the subject of Open-Source and open Standards is being discussed in his WG. Manish will be at Globecom (will join panel) and so we will discuss with him after the Panel session to ask OMG SDN WG to provide input on this subject as well into the corresponding section in the white paper. The paper from Steven will also be added to the references in white paper and in the section on this subject in the white paper. @Steven: By the way we encouraged Tarik Taleb who is charing the workshop at Globecom on "Telecommunication Standards: From Research to Standards" to invite their participants to our Industry Forum Sessions IF-12 and IF-24, and he finds this very good to encourage the participants to join the joint SDOs/Fora sessions and learn more on how to contribute to the SDOs/Fora. IF-12: SDN, NFV, Autonomic Management & Control (AMC) of Networks and Services, and IPv6, as Complementary Enablers for 5G Wednesday 10th December: 16:15 – 18:00 Joint SDOs/Fora White Paper Slot: IF-24: Industry Harmonization for Unified Standards on SDN, NFV, Autonomic Management & Control (AMC), 5G, Unified Management of Fixed/Mobile Networks Thursday 11th December: 16:15 – 18:00 See you soon. Best regards, Ranganai Hide message history On Sunday, December 7, 2014 4:59 PM, "WRIGHT, STEVEN A" <sw3588@att.com<mailto:sw3588@att.com>> wrote: Hi Ranganai, Just looking at the suggested topics for the Wednesday Session, and noticed you were looking for something about open source and standards to be included. As it happens I have a paper on this topic that I am presenting during a Monday Workshop session as well. I’ve attached a copy for those interested in this specific topic. See you in Austin! best regards Steven Wright, MBA, PhD, JD. NFV & SDN Industry Engagement Standards & Industry Alliances AT&T Services Inc. 1057 Lenox Park Blvd NE, STE 4D28 Atlanta, GA 30319 P: 404.499.7030 sw3588@att.com<mailto:sw3588@att.com> @DrStevenAWright www.linkedin.com/in/drstevenawright/<http://www.linkedin.com/in/drstevenawright/> From: Ranganai Chaparadza [mailto:ran4chap@yahoo.com] Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 12:06 PM To: georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com<mailto:georgedobrowski@mail01.huawei.com>; BEN MERIEM Tayeb IMT/OLN; Kenneth Dilbeck; WRIGHT, STEVEN A; John Strassner; John Strassner; Klaus Martiny; STEFAN ENGEL-FLECHSIG; Klaus Moschner; manish_patil@dell.com<mailto:manish_patil@dell.com>; Mehmet Ulema; Takashi Egawa; FRANCISCO JAVIER RAMON SALGUERO; Latif Ladid; Ciprian Popoviciu; Corbi Cecilia Maria; Christiantoche Toche; Niranth Amogh; Chenshan (Sunny); 'Zoltán Lajos Kis'; Pinnola Andrea; Yanick Pouffary (gmail); Jerry Zhu (Wenjie); Likepeng; Dave Milham; Banzi Massimo; Robin Mersh; Hui Li; Bob Cohen; Michael Behringer (mbehring); Stephen Fratini; jean-marie.calmel@oracle.com<mailto:jean-marie.calmel@oracle.com>; Masakatsu FUJIWARA; egawa@ieee.org<mailto:egawa@ieee.org>; Guchong; Latif Ladid; Pekka.Olli@teliasonera.com<mailto:Pekka.Olli@teliasonera.com> Subject: Re: The Draft of the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper and Template soliciting contributions from your Groups Dear all, As Globecom is approaching, I am sending you the Industry Forum Sessions Program in case some of you would like to join us both in the sessions IF12 and IF24 (joint SDOs/Fora White Paper Draft presentation) if you happen to attend Globecom. There might be other sessions in the program you may find interesting ofcourse, including Demos, technical articles sessions in the main program. The larger Globecom program is available here:http://globecom2014.ieee-globecom.org/ For those of you who represent individual SDO/Fora Groups, feel free to send me any updates (even in form of slides if you have any recent updated slides) on your group's activities, as we will summarize what individual groups are doing w.r.t. SDN, NFV, AMC, etc, as part of the living document (white paper) report. Otherwise we will provide summary on the basis of our TMF hosted Nice June Workshop report, and you can send us your updates any time later, even after Globecom. We will share a summary report after Globecom. Thanks to all panelists and all of you. Best Regards, Ranganai On Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:29 PM, Ranganai Chaparadza <ran4chap@yahoo.com<mailto:ran4chap@yahoo.com>> wrote: Dear all, Greetings to you all. We hope you had a good summer break. We are sending you the Draft of the joint SDOs/Fora White Paper we have been structuring and preparing for compiling the contributions from the various SDOs/Fora Groups. Please find attached a clean version of the Draft (makes it easier to read through) and one with track changes. We kept the list of persons who were involved in Nice, but we will be adding more names and will probably have to move the Table of contributors to the end of the paper (as it will grow). Individuals may simply provide comments on some points either directly to us the editors or through their group's collective contributions. Please find attached Template your Group can use to provide us with some input. You will notice that in chapter 11, each Group is allocated a section in which we will put their brief summaries. Any input, including indications of some plans will be fine. The White Paper will be maintained as a living document, the groups will keep updating it. With co-editors: Tayeb, John and Steven, we will put efforts to consolidate all the input as we receive the inputs. We will keep you updated with successive versions of the paper. You have some time to compile input. As we arranged earlier, the first version of the joint SDOs/Fora White paper will be presented at Globecom in December (on the 10th and 11th), Texas, Austin. The panel at Globecom will present on behalf of all the SDOs/Fora, but we encourage people to promote the the White Paper in their organizations as well as participating to the Globecom Industry Forum Sessions in which the paper will be jointly presented (if they can, or they can raise awareness to people from various organizations who will be attending Globecom). For promoting the paper, it may be good to wait for the stable version to come later. I will send more details on the Final Program of Globecom and Indications of the many interesting Industry Forum Sessions that will cover other topics and technologies. Best Regards, Ranganai
participants (1)
Sill, Alan