Issue 102 in ogf-nsi-project: Existing capacity and burst size definitions in p2p service too small for expected values.

Status: Accepted Owner: jmacauley Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium FoundInVersion-1.0 FixedInVersion-2.0 New issue 102 by jmacauley: Existing capacity and burst size definitions in p2p service too small for expected values. Description of Issue: Capacity and burstsize are defined as xsd:int which cannot represent a 100 Gbps service. Discussion of Issue: xsd:int was originally chosen because rates were in Mbps, and this converted to a base int in java. We must change to a larger representation such as xsd:long that will also map to a basic java type. Resolution of Issue: Need to change xsd:int to xsd:long to hold these larger rates. -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at:

Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #1 on issue 102 by jmacauley: Existing capacity and burst size definitions in p2p service too small for expected values. Issue closed with revision r97. -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at:
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