Re: [Nsi-wg] Call for Participation: OFC/NFOEC Workshop on Grid vs Cloud/Utility Computing and Optical Networks

Dear Colleagues, This is invite you to attend the upcoming workshop at OFC/NFOEC (see Here's the latest info on the workshop. Feel free to dsitribute to your colleagues and hope to see you there. ------------- Workshop Title: Grid vs Cloud Computing and Why This Should Concern the Optical Networking Community Time and Place: Monday March 23, 2009, 8 to 11am, Room 6E at the San Diego Convention Center Organizers: Chunming Qiao¹, Dimitra Simeonidou², Bill St. Arnaud³, Peter Tomsu4; ¹SUNY at Buffalo, USA, ²Univ. of Essex, UK, ³Canarie Inc., Canada, 4Cisco Systems Ltd., USA. Descriprtion: Recently, there has been a lot of interests in Cloud, Grid and Utility computing and their influence in shaping the future network infrastructure. While Grid Computing is geared mainly towards scientific users and Grids, both Cloud and Utility computing are for enterprises. The common point for both approaches is their reliance on high speed optical networks to provide advanced and flexibly reconfigurable infrastructure. Optical network researchers are facing big challenges in delivering the necessary technologies for supporting Cloud, Grid and Utility computing services. Such technologies and services will change the Internet in much the same way as distributed and parallel computing has changed the computation and cyber-infrastructure today. The workshop will discuss various Cloud, Grid and Utility Computing approaches and will present the challenges (research and implementation) for our community. Schedule: Welcome/Introduction Clouds and Optical Networks, Bill St. Arnaud, CANARIE Inc., Canada Challenges in Enabling Cloud Computing over Optical Networks, Piero Castoldi, Barbara, Martini, Fabio Baroncelli, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Univ. Italy Challenges in Enabling Grid Computing over Optical Networks, Cees de Laat, Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands Virtualizing and scheduling network resource for emerging IT services: the CARRIOCAS approach, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet (INRIA) & Dominique Verchère (Alcatel Lucent BellLabs) Energy / cost beneifts of cloud computing, Rodney Tucker, U. Melbourne, Australia Opportunities in Optical Grid and Clouding Computing, Chunming Qiao, SUNY Buffalo, USA Panel discussion and Q&A
participants (1)
Simeonidou, Dimitra