presentation of ETSI GCSI event at OGF meeting in Banff

Hi All, I have scheduled a joint ETSI-NSI meeting. This will be held on Monday at 4.30pm according to the draft schedule. For details of the issues to be discussed please see mails below. Guy -----Original Message----- From: Stephan Schulz [] Sent: 11 September 2009 20:17 To: Guy Roberts Subject: RE: Potential presentation of ETSI GCSI event at OGF meeting in Banff Hi guy, sorry for getting back only now but I have been busy. I am not sure if I agree with your veiw completely. I think you have to read a little bit between the lines. Let me try to clarify: This event is based on a test specification which has been derived from the requirements in the below standards BUT a direct support of this XML based interface is not the focus. The design idea of GCM is to find a common denominator between any kind of interface supported by prrducts for application deployment. So the idea of our event is not to have and test implementations that test the GCM but to assess implementations but rather to assess if and how implementation support the concepts that the GCM standard defines. At the same time the idea is to add any interfaces which are not listed in the mapping section in the current standard GCM DD standard. Actually I do not expect to see many GCM implementation at the event. So next to asssessing the support of these concepts participating vendors willhave the chance to promote their interfaces as well to the telco community. So again - this is not plugtest is not directly about GCM but rather indirectly. You mention the concept of hosts. This is in GCM just an abstraction how define a computing resource. How you access this resource (be that a service oriented approach) is left open. I hope this clarifies a little more the idea behind the testing. The purpose of my visit to your group at OGF#27 would be to clarify this idea of testing form a practical point of view to everybody and also to collect input from you. I want to also emphasize that we are open to discuss other ideas of extending these tests so that they would be more relevant, e.g., for your group as well. In other words we are trying to make this event as useful as possible for users of grid and cloud technology and others working in this domain. We see this as a unique opportunity for this community to come together and share insights about the current trends in application deployment. Does this help? BR, stephan ________________________________ From: Guy Roberts [] Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 5:10 PM To: Stephan Schulz Cc:; John Vollbrecht Subject: RE: Potential presentation of ETSI GCSI event at OGF meeting in Banff Tomohiro, John, I have investigated this request from ETSI some more and they have a GCM specification which is: 'The purpose of the present document is to offer a standard, uniform way of describing grid-based applications, and the resources they need.' Based on 'a simple XML format for describing infrastructures'. As far as I can see the grid infrastructure to be requested can be: 'A grid infrastructure is modelized through three kinds of resources: hosts (single machines), groups (a set of machines) and bridges (a single machine acting as a gateway for groups or hosts).' So it seem to me that these are not network services, but rather hosts based resources, so this looks to me like a generic grid standard and not a network oriented service in the way that NSI is. Their recommendations are available here: They are requesting a meeting with NSI, but I don't really see a lot of synergies here. Any thoughts on whether we should follow this up? Do you see some more commonalities that I have missed? Guy From: Stephan Schulz [] Sent: 07 September 2009 13:58 To: Guy Roberts;; Cc: Geoffrey Caryer_Internet; Mike Fisher Subject: RE: Potential presentation of ETSI GCSI event at OGF meeting in Banff Hi guy, Thanks for your email introducing ETSI and GCSI. The NSI-WG will be active at Banff - however the day/time of our meetings have not been assigned yet. [STS] Ok. By what time will you know your meeting schedule? I have discussed your request with Richard Hughes-Jones (infrastructure area director) and he points out that there is an existing memorandum of understanding between ETSI and OGF, I am sure that there will be no problems if you wish to present at OGF27. [STS] Yes - the MoU is in place. This should not be a problem. I was just wondering if the audience, i.e., your WG, would be interested in this. This work is new to me and, as far as I can tell, looks interesting. I am sure that it will also be interest to a wider audience than just the NSI-WG members, so I suggest that I propose a session at OGF for you to present your work. [STS] Thanks for your interest. I have attached For more information regarding the event please see the attached e-mail. Via the website mentioned in this email you have access to the event presentation, flyer, and test specification. A more concrete Workshop programme is anticipated to published there by the end of this week. Finally registration for the event is online via this website (both for interop event as well as workshop). For now I was planning to present the latest version of the event presentation as well as the test specification at your WG meeting which then would be open for discussion. Please let me know if you are interested in this, and your preferred days and the length of time of your session and I will create an internal session request. [STS] I have to say that I am not familiar with the OGF way of making/scheduling presentations and sessions. I basically have gotten your contact through Geoff who has mostly worked with OGF from our project point of view. So far I have also contacted GIN and OCCI groups out of which the latter has also shown interest and has asked me to present in one of their sessions. Correct me if I am wrong but the way I understand your proposal is that requesting another session would put this presentation outside of the context of NSI-WG, right?
From my point of view it would be also ok to present twice to different working groups instead of creating a session. In terms of timing. I would expect this presentation to be about 40 min with 15-20 min for questions (depending on interest)
Salut, stephan Thanks, Guy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guy Roberts, Ph.D Network Engineering & Planning DANTE -<> Tel: +44 (0)1223 371 316 City House, 126-130 Hills Road Cambridge, CB2 1PQ, UK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Stephan Schulz [] Sent: 07 September 2009 11:15 To: Guy Roberts;; Cc: Geoffrey Caryer_Internet; Mike Fisher Subject: Potential presentation of ETSI GCSI event at OGF meeting in Banff Dear Network Service Interface WG, My name is Stephan Schulz from ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI). I have been working over the past year together closely with ETSI TC Grid and its ETSI STF 331 (run by Geoff), i.e., providing the ETSI contribution the STF towards analysis of the grid standardization landscape, establishment of a testing framework for grid, and the organization of an ETSI interop event and workshop at the end of this year. We are now in the middle of the organization of this ETSI GCSI (Grids, Clouds & Service Infrastructure) Event where I act as the technical coordinator. Last week I was made aware of the OGF#27 meeting and we are now investigating if it is possible or worthwhile to still attend this event. Firstly, is NSI-WG planning to have meeting in Banff? If so when? Secondly, if so then it would be possible and worthwhile to give a presentation about the upcoming ETSI event? Such a presentation would sketch the main idea behind this event, then mainly focus on the technical organization of the interop event which focuses on testing application deployment onto grid and cloud infrastructures, and of course answer to any questions there may be. Note the attendance to this event is open to anyone and especially OGF and its members are welcome to join. Thank you for your advice, Stephan Schulz o---------------------------------o Stephan Schulz, Ph.D. ETSI - World Class Standards Sr. Technical Expert 650 Route des Lucioles F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex Tel: +33 49294 4964 Mobile: +33 63334 8269 Fax: +33 49365 4716 o---------------------------------o
participants (1)
Guy Roberts