Hello all, I have recently received expressions of interest in a workshop on OpenFlow and SDN at OGF36 - I have now formally requested this SDN workshop with the following goals: "OpenFlow and Software Defined Networking (SDN) have gained considerable attention this year following Google's announcement that they have been using the OpenFlow interface with their network controllers to manage the traffic on their G-Flow network linking their international data centres. The R&E networking community is actively engaged in investigating new services based on OpenFlow; these services are related to and can interact with NSI and NML compliant services. This workshop will focus on alignment and synergies between OpenFlow and OGF infrastructure group standards, in particular NSI and NML." Please let me know if you are interested in presenting at this workshop. Regards, Guy _____________________________________________________________________ Guy Roberts PhD Senior Transport Network Architect DANTE Cambridge, UK +44 1223 371316 DANTE is the project co-ordinator and operator of GÉANT, the high-speed pan-European research and education network that is transforming the way researchers collaborate. Learn more at: www.geant.net<http://www.geant.net/> Like us on: www.facebook.com/GEANTnetwork<http://www.facebook.com/GEANTnetwork> Follow us at: www.twitter.com/GEANTnews<http://www.twitter.com/GEANTnews> DANTE is the trading name of Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Limited registered in England & Wales. Registration Number 2806796. Registered Office - 9400 Garsington Road, Oxford Business Park, Oxford OX4 2HN. _____________________________________________________________________
participants (1)
Guy Roberts