Issue 79 in ogf-nsi-project: Update WSDL and XSD with agreed changes in Charlottesville meeting.

Status: Accepted Owner: Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium FoundInVersion-2.0 FixedInVersion-2.0 New issue 79 by Update WSDL and XSD with agreed changes in Charlottesville meeting. The following are the changes agreed in Charlottesville that need to be updated in the WSDL/XSD: 1. Reservation version number is optionally specified by the RA. 2. Common two phase reservation and modify. 3. Model Charlotteville state machine changes. 4. Add Coordinator/MTL messageDeliveryRetry request and messageDeliveryTimeout notification. 5. Add reserveTimeout notification to handle no reserveCommit received. 6. Add generic errorEvent notification to cover existing notification cases covered by notification message. 7. Add dataPlaneStateChange notification. 8. Include a view of the reservation criteria at each NSA in the recursive query. -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at:

Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #1 on issue 79 by Update WSDL and XSD with agreed changes in Charlottesville meeting. Fixed with revision 53. -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at:
participants (1)