Issue 107 in ogf-nsi-project: Remove ogf_nsi_framework_types_v2_0.xsd dependencies from service specific schema.

Status: Accepted Owner: jmacauley Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium FoundInVersion-2.0 FixedInVersion-2.0 New issue 107 by jmacauley: Remove ogf_nsi_framework_types_v2_0.xsd dependencies from service specific schema. The only dependency the ogf_nsi_services_types_v2_0.xsd has on the ftypes namespace (ogf_nsi_framework_types_v2_0.xsd ) is for the "TypeValuePairListType" as seen below in the labels definition. There can be build issues when importing the WSDL through jax-ws and the services through jaxb compilers. Conflicting package names can result if the default namespace is used during compile for the package names. To fix this issue I would like to remove use of the ftypes namespace in the services types by replacing labels within the STP definition with something local to the ogf_nsi_services_types_v2_0.xsd file. -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at:

Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #1 on issue 107 by jmacauley: Remove ogf_nsi_framework_types_v2_0.xsd dependencies from service specific schema. Closed with update r101. -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at:
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