Hello All, We have a face-to-face NSI meeting scheduled from 14:00-17:30 on Monday 29 May on the day before TNC17. For details see here: https://tnc17.geant.org/core/schedule/list/day/all If people want a longer meeting we can add an informal NSI meeting on the Friday following TNC. Please let me know if you would like to extend the meeting to Friday. Also, please send me any agenda items that you would like to raise at the meeting. Regards, Guy Guy Roberts PhD Senior Network Architect Tel: +44 (0)1223 371316 Mob: +44 (0)7881 336417 Skype: guy1965 [TNC17_email_banner_earlybird] Networks • Services • People Learn more at www.geant.org<http://www.geant.org/> GÉANT is the collective trading name of the GÉANT Association in Amsterdam, NL, and of GEANT Limited in Cambridge, UK GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered in the Netherlands with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam<http://www.kvk.nl/english/traderegister/default.asp>. Registration number: 40535155. Registered office: Singel 468 D, Amsterdam 1017 AW, The Netherlands GEANT Limited is registered in England & Wales. Registration number: 2806796. Registered office: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK.
participants (1)
Guy Roberts