Re: [Nsi-wg] Issue 16 in ogf-nsi-project: drop duration from WSDL/schema

Comment #2 on issue 16 by drop duration from WSDL/schema My point of view: 1. OpenDRAC supports duration in the native WSDL interface and as well as in the Fenius interface. Both implementations translate duration into an endTime (endTime = startTime + duration). This directly mirrors our scheduling GUI interface, and can really be considered a convenience function for the end user (so they do not have to do math in their head). Given the NSI protocol will be hidden from the end user behind a programatic interface, there is no value in providing a duration capability in the NSI protocol as it is just as easy for the requesting application to perform the conversion of duration to endTime. 2. A suggestion was made that perhaps we could make duration be the length of service after the network resources have been provisioned. This would result in a variable schedule (endTime = startTime + provisionTime + duration) which is not feasible in a network where guaranteed reservations times are being supported. We would never be able to accurately predict the true endTime that would allow us to guarantee the next startTime. Based on these two points I recommend removing the duration element from schedule.

Updates: Owner: Comment #3 on issue 16 by drop duration from WSDL/schema John to update WSDL to reflect this change

Updates: Status: Fixed Labels: FixedWithUpdateR24 Comment #4 on issue 16 by drop duration from WSDL/schema This issue is fixed with update 24.
participants (1)