Hi All, A group of around 15 of us from met for an interim meeting at the SC 2009 show to discuss and kickstart the NSI protocol discussions. The following are the summarized decisions from the meeting. This note will be followed by a doodle poll to decide on the date and time for the first con call. Summary of decisions 1. NSI protocol specification will be divided into two standard documents a. NSI protocol messaging specification The scope of this standards specification will be to define the messages and interaction between requester and provider agents that will be the NSI interface. The specification would also indicate the structure of the messages, define the norm for specifying technology specific parameters and the state machine to manage lots of simultaneous interactions. The messages will be defined at a high-level and the detailed protocol encodings will be part of the next specification. The set of features that will be part of NSI 1.0 will be discussed within the group and included as part of this specification. b. NSI protocol implementation specification The scope of this standards specification is to specify the exact on-the-wire protocol to implement the messages and interaction defined in the above standards document. The current expectation is that the NSI protocol group would work on web services based implementation specification of this protocol. It is quite feasible for a community to define an RSVP based implementation of the above protocol or another implementation specification at the time in future. 2. The current set of editors are: Evangelos Chaniotakis, Tomohiro Kudoh, Radek Krzywania and Matthew Lemay. 3. The following steps are planned between now and the next OGF meeting: a. Information exchange: Research project like G-lambda, OSCARS, IDC, Phosphorus/Harmony present their current message set. Doodle poll for the meeting in 3rd week of december to follow b. NSI 1.0 Feature set: Jerry and Inder to suggest a first pass set of features to be included in NSI 1.0 . c. The group of editors take this updated set of information and create a draft specification for the NSI group to review by late January 2010. d. Setup regular conference calls in January to discuss the document and open issues, leading towards the first draft specification by the March OGF. Thanks, Inder
participants (1)
Inder Monga