Request for demo participants at FIA in Poznan

Hi all, Between 24 and 28 Oct there will be an opportunity to perform a demonstration of collaborating NSI implementations at Future Internet Assembly event held in Poznan. The link to the conference is available here : The demo will take place in about 4 weeks from now, and will be a good test before a SC event 2 weeks after. The main upgrade from the Rio plugfest is that dataplanes are planned to be involved in reservation process. I would like to kindly request any organisation that has an NSI ready network manager and already has or will have shortly support for dataplane, to volunteer to participate in this demonstration. That will help us to prepare and test a SC demo and also contribute to increase awareness of the NSI among really huge amount of people (there will be about 2000 people). Despite the event is organised mostly by European organisation, non-European partners are more than welcome to participate in the demo. Please let me know if you find it possible for you to join. A detailed demo plan and schedule will be defined next week. Best regards Radek ________________________________________________________________________ Radoslaw Krzywania Network Research and Development Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center +48 61 850 25 26 ________________________________________________________________________
participants (1)
Radek Krzywania