Peoples, Here are some of the notes I captured. The reservation XML message contains two element tags both named “reservation”. The first is the reservation operation and the second is the reservation information contents. This will need to be fixed in the types XSD. The “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements in the NSI protocol header caused some confusion. In the CS document we stated that this would be populated with the NSnetwork URN as defined in Salt Lake City. However, when the demo topology schema was created we introduced a new NSA object. Some people used the URN of the NSA object in the “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements. We will need to make a definitive statement as we define the formal NSI topology. Do we rename the elements to “providerNSnetwork” and “requesterNSnetwork” and continue using the NSnetwork URNs, or do we switch over to NSA URN? Demo topology definition was an issue, but in the end we had something workable for the demo. Going forward we need to formalize NSI topology definition and how it relates to other schema such as DTOX and NML. I am going to start working on the topology discovery/exchange problem to get use moving forward. Security presented interoperability issues as some people enforced authentication and authorization while others did not. Some systems could not provide the needed credentials, and resulted in some incompatibility. I believe we are clear on what we want to implement for NSA-to-NSA security, but we need to formalize the session security requirements so we can begin to implement in the NSAs. Namespace issues – this is not an issue with the protocol specification but with a few of the less mature SOAP web services toolkits. They get confused between the interface and type namespaces for the protocol elements due to the use of “ref” to reference protocol operation elements from the types XSD in the interfaces WSDL. Now that we have had some demo experience with error handling, I think it is time to start formalizing values in the NsiExceptionType. I have already identified ten generic error conditions, and I am sure there are many more. As a follow up to this item, NSA implementations need to populate the NsiExceptionType.variables with additional information to help identify the problem that caused the rejection of the message. I had done this in OpenDRAC so any errors returned to other NSA would contain information formatted as follows: <messageId>SVC0001</messageId> <text>Invalid or missing parameter</text> <variables> <Attribute Name="replyTo" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ><null></AttributeValue> </Attribute> </variables> Interface version discovery – I had discussed this with the group previously, but now that we are moving forward, up issuing NSI schema versions, and adding new interfaces we will need a mechanism for discovering the interfaces and versions supported by an NSA. I will propose something formal when I get a chance. John.

Hi, 1st of all - thank you all for the work. That was a great job and quite a success for spreading NSI awareness! Now, back to work: This is stuff caught by Michal during implementation (some may repear with yours): - ConnectionStateType.TERMINATEING - maybe TERMINATING looks better - GenericAcknowledgmentType - should xxxConfirmed/Failed messages be sent before returning this type, or asynchronously? It could be removed as well - queryConfirmed, queryFailed on provider interface - breaks consistency - query on requester interface - breaks consistency - maybe allow suggestion that either chain or tree reservation model is prefered in reservation request - reservation name is inconsistence with other method names (should be reserve, or change terminate to termination) - xxxConfirmed/Failed - all take some common parameters but wrapped into diffrent types, so more writing required instead of having one method to set this field, i.e.: ReservationFailedRequestType reqFail = new ReservationFailedRequestType(); reqFail.setCorrelationId(correlationId); reqFail.setReservationFailed(createFailed(conState, messageId, text)); and ProvisionConfirmedRequestType reqConf = new ProvisionConfirmedRequestType(); reqConf.setCorrelationId(correlationId); reqConf.setProvisionConfirmed(createConfirmed()); in both cases (and it applies for other methods) ReservationFailedRequestType and ProvisionConfirmedRequestType same fields are carried, one common type would save writing Now my two cents: - We experienced from the demo, that sending a provision request just after reservation request, results in simple ack. So in fact we are unaware if the reservation is in auto provision state or not. We just get provisioned status update when reservation start time comes. We can wait 1 minute for that during demo, but if the service is about to start in 4 weeks... - People were asking for query message, to retrieve the reservation status at all partners and a path. - People were also interested if the same path will be configured for each provision message - protocol does not specify it, it’s actually up to domain, but in some cases it may be important (see Express scenario later) - Express was also interested in specyfing path for the reservation. E.g. they have one reservation now, and another in two months - two reservations needs to go the same path. We can't solve it now. Express also experienced issues with any connections they get - they need to tune it before use. Sa they do that about 2 weeks before operations, and check again about 1 day or hours before sending data. This scenario is a real user scenario, which we should discuss. I've invited the guy (apology - I forgot his name, but I will find him at the venue during break) from Express for the March OGF meeting in Oxford so we could discuss it. Best regards Radek ________________________________________________________________________ Radoslaw Krzywania Network Research and Development Poznan Supercomputing and radek.krzywania@man.poznan.pl Networking Center +48 61 850 25 26 http://www.man.poznan.pl ________________________________________________________________________
-----Original Message----- From: nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org [mailto:nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org] On Behalf Of John MacAuley Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:46 PM To: nsi-plugfest@m.aist.go.jp; nsi-wg@ogf.org WG Subject: [Nsi-wg] NSI Issues list – Rio de Janeiro Demo
Here are some of the notes I captured.
The reservation XML message contains two element tags both named “reservation”. The first is the reservation operation and the second is the reservation information contents. This will need to be fixed in the types XSD.
The “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements in the NSI protocol header caused some confusion. In the CS document we stated that this would be populated with the NSnetwork URN as defined in Salt Lake City. However, when the demo topology schema was created we introduced a new NSA object. Some people used the URN of the NSA object in the “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements. We will need to make a definitive statement as we define the formal NSI topology. Do we rename the elements to “providerNSnetwork” and “requesterNSnetwork” and continue using the NSnetwork URNs, or do we switch over to NSA URN?
Demo topology definition was an issue, but in the end we had something workable for the demo. Going forward we need to formalize NSI topology definition and how it relates to other schema such as DTOX and NML. I am going to start working on the topology discovery/exchange problem to get use moving forward.
Security presented interoperability issues as some people enforced authentication and authorization while others did not. Some systems could not provide the needed credentials, and resulted in some incompatibility. I believe we are clear on what we want to implement for NSA-to-NSA security, but we need to formalize the session security requirements so we can begin to implement in the NSAs.
Namespace issues – this is not an issue with the protocol specification but with a few of the less mature SOAP web services toolkits. They get confused between the interface and type namespaces for the protocol elements due to the use of “ref” to reference protocol operation elements from the types XSD in the interfaces WSDL.
Now that we have had some demo experience with error handling, I think it is time to start formalizing values in the NsiExceptionType. I have already identified ten generic error conditions, and I am sure there are many more. As a follow up to this item, NSA implementations need to populate the NsiExceptionType.variables with additional information to help identify the problem that caused the rejection of the message. I had done this in OpenDRAC so any errors returned to other NSA would contain information formatted as follows:
<messageId>SVC0001</messageId> <text>Invalid or missing parameter</text> <variables> <Attribute Name="replyTo" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ><null></AttributeValue> </Attribute> </variables>
Interface version discovery – I had discussed this with the group previously, but now that we are moving forward, up issuing NSI schema versions, and adding new interfaces we will need a mechanism for discovering the interfaces and versions supported by an NSA. I will propose something formal when I get a chance.
John. _______________________________________________ nsi-wg mailing list nsi-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/nsi-wg

Comments in line. On 2011-09-14, at 12:37 PM, Radek Krzywania wrote:
Hi, 1st of all - thank you all for the work. That was a great job and quite a success for spreading NSI awareness!
Now, back to work: This is stuff caught by Michal during implementation (some may repear with yours): - ConnectionStateType.TERMINATEING - maybe TERMINATING looks better
Got it.
- GenericAcknowledgmentType - should xxxConfirmed/Failed messages be sent before returning this type, or asynchronously? It could be removed as well
The acknowledgement should be returned at the point you have accepted the message for processing. The other messages come later (considerably later in some cases). I validate the key attributes first just in case I need to send a fault message back instead of the ACK. For example, on a reservation I verify the correlationId, replyTo, providerNSA, requesterNSA, and connectionId are present. I also verify that the message is destined for me. Once this is done I dispatch it for processing and return the ACK. There is a small chance that the Confirmed/Failed beats the ACK back, but you should defensively code for that.
- queryConfirmed, queryFailed on provider interface - breaks consistency
- query on requester interface - breaks consistency
These were requested for error handling so that a providerNSA could query the requesterNSA to correlate schedule information after a restart. Are people aware they can get a query across the requester NSA interface?
- maybe allow suggestion that either chain or tree reservation model is prefered in reservation request
This is an interesting feature. Is it just a routing suggestion?
- reservation name is inconsistence with other method names (should be reserve, or change terminate to termination)
LOL - we argued the change to reservation when we were going to use provisionReservtion, terminateReservation, etc. Then I thought the names were too long, so I shortened them and didn't think to change reservation back again.
- xxxConfirmed/Failed - all take some common parameters but wrapped into diffrent types, so more writing required instead of having one method to set this field, i.e.: ReservationFailedRequestType reqFail = new ReservationFailedRequestType(); reqFail.setCorrelationId(correlationId); reqFail.setReservationFailed(createFailed(conState, messageId, text)); and ProvisionConfirmedRequestType reqConf = new ProvisionConfirmedRequestType(); reqConf.setCorrelationId(correlationId); reqConf.setProvisionConfirmed(createConfirmed()); in both cases (and it applies for other methods) ReservationFailedRequestType and ProvisionConfirmedRequestType same fields are carried, one common type would save writing
QueryFailedType is the exception. I ended u wrapping the other ones so you know specifically the operation that failed via the failed name, but with the correlationId you could map it back to the original operation.
Now my two cents:
- We experienced from the demo, that sending a provision request just after reservation request, results in simple ack. So in fact we are unaware if the reservation is in auto provision state or not. We just get provisioned status update when reservation start time comes. We can wait 1 minute for that during demo, but if the service is about to start in 4 weeks...
Yes. Functioning as defined. I am concerned about this as well. It causes complicated code (nothing to do with Web Services JERRY, but with the protocol).
- People were asking for query message, to retrieve the reservation status at all partners and a path.
- People were also interested if the same path will be configured for each provision message - protocol does not specify it, it’s actually up to domain, but in some cases it may be important (see Express scenario later) - Express was also interested in specyfing path for the reservation. E.g. they have one reservation now, and another in two months - two reservations needs to go the same path. We can't solve it now. Express also experienced issues with any connections they get - they need to tune it before use. Sa they do that about 2 weeks before operations, and check again about 1 day or hours before sending data. This scenario is a real user scenario, which we should discuss. I've invited the guy (apology - I forgot his name, but I will find him at the venue during break) from Express for the March OGF meeting in Oxford so we could discuss it.
Best regards Radek
________________________________________________________________________ Radoslaw Krzywania Network Research and Development Poznan Supercomputing and radek.krzywania@man.poznan.pl Networking Center +48 61 850 25 26 http://www.man.poznan.pl ________________________________________________________________________
-----Original Message----- From: nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org [mailto:nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org] On Behalf Of John MacAuley Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:46 PM To: nsi-plugfest@m.aist.go.jp; nsi-wg@ogf.org WG Subject: [Nsi-wg] NSI Issues list – Rio de Janeiro Demo
Here are some of the notes I captured.
The reservation XML message contains two element tags both named “reservation”. The first is the reservation operation and the second is the reservation information contents. This will need to be fixed in the types XSD.
The “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements in the NSI protocol header caused some confusion. In the CS document we stated that this would be populated with the NSnetwork URN as defined in Salt Lake City. However, when the demo topology schema was created we introduced a new NSA object. Some people used the URN of the NSA object in the “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements. We will need to make a definitive statement as we define the formal NSI topology. Do we rename the elements to “providerNSnetwork” and “requesterNSnetwork” and continue using the NSnetwork URNs, or do we switch over to NSA URN?
Demo topology definition was an issue, but in the end we had something workable for the demo. Going forward we need to formalize NSI topology definition and how it relates to other schema such as DTOX and NML. I am going to start working on the topology discovery/exchange problem to get use moving forward.
Security presented interoperability issues as some people enforced authentication and authorization while others did not. Some systems could not provide the needed credentials, and resulted in some incompatibility. I believe we are clear on what we want to implement for NSA-to-NSA security, but we need to formalize the session security requirements so we can begin to implement in the NSAs.
Namespace issues – this is not an issue with the protocol specification but with a few of the less mature SOAP web services toolkits. They get confused between the interface and type namespaces for the protocol elements due to the use of “ref” to reference protocol operation elements from the types XSD in the interfaces WSDL.
Now that we have had some demo experience with error handling, I think it is time to start formalizing values in the NsiExceptionType. I have already identified ten generic error conditions, and I am sure there are many more. As a follow up to this item, NSA implementations need to populate the NsiExceptionType.variables with additional information to help identify the problem that caused the rejection of the message. I had done this in OpenDRAC so any errors returned to other NSA would contain information formatted as follows:
<messageId>SVC0001</messageId> <text>Invalid or missing parameter</text> <variables> <Attribute Name="replyTo" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<null></AttributeValue> </Attribute> </variables>
Interface version discovery – I had discussed this with the group previously, but now that we are moving forward, up issuing NSI schema versions, and adding new interfaces we will need a mechanism for discovering the interfaces and versions supported by an NSA. I will propose something formal when I get a chance.
John. _______________________________________________ nsi-wg mailing list nsi-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/nsi-wg

Hey John and Radek...some comments and additions to your comments.. rabid drooling is my own...:-) Jerry On 9/14/11 5:23 PM, John MacAuley wrote:
Comments in line.
On 2011-09-14, at 12:37 PM, Radek Krzywania wrote
- GenericAcknowledgmentType - should xxxConfirmed/Failed messages be sent before returning this type, or asynchronously? It could be removed as well
The acknowledgement should be returned at the point you have accepted the message for processing. The other messages come later (considerably later in some cases).
I validate the key attributes first just in case I need to send a fault message back instead of the ACK. For example, on a reservation I verify the correlationId, replyTo, providerNSA, requesterNSA, and connectionId are present. I also verify that the message is destined for me. Once this is done I dispatch it for processing and return the ACK. There is a small chance that the Confirmed/Failed beats the ACK back, but you should defensively code for that. Hmm, I think I need to take you to task on this John. The *ack* is a MTL function that should not have anything to do with NSI layer message evaluation. i.e. its not the MTL's responsibility to send a NSI response of any type. The ACK (as opposed to a confirm or fail) is indication that the message was received, nothing else. An ACK should be returned regardless of whether a NSI message is proper or otherwise.
Curious: Why do you verify that the message is "for you"? How did you get it if it was not for you? But again, checking the NSA fields is really a NSI function - not the MTL. I do want to agree that naming of requesterNSA and providerNSA in the NSI msg header is a bad decision. The MTL is forced to look at the NSI message primitive types ( Request/Response types) to determine if the "requesterNSA" is the destination for this message or if the "providerNSA" is the destination NSA for the message. This is broken in the NSI spec. The MTL should not need to inspect any NSI layer context to handle the message. Just deliver to the indicated NSA. We should rename these two header fields to "sourceNSA" and "destinationNSA". The NSI layer only uses these fields to indicate where the message is going and who is sending it. The NSI layer (the State Machine semantic routine) already knows which is the RA and which is the PA. And the MTL should not need to care - only to use these fields to direct the message. Renaming will simplify the handling and correct a blatant layer violation.
- queryConfirmed, queryFailed on provider interface - breaks consistency
- query on requester interface - breaks consistency
These were requested for error handling so that a providerNSA could query the requesterNSA to correlate schedule information after a restart. Are people aware they can get a query across the requester NSA interface? Ugh- another "extension" not in the spec.
While we have discussed it, there is next to nothing in the way of recovery processing in the spec. And so anything inserted in anticipation of how that *might* be performed is also jumping the gun and should be extracted. We have a pretty comprehensive Query() primitive now that should be able to reveal anything about reservations next door...what more is necessary? Regarding the "interface" note.... This doesn't make sense to me. The spec does not reference "interfaces" for primitives at all. The spec says that an NSA supports a set of primitives - all of them. It differentiates a "role" for an NSA in a particular connection instance, but does not explicitly ascribe primitives to said roles. Mostly because these roles are only a small part of how the NSA functions. In practice, perhaps some implementation may never expect to handle or utilize certain primitives - this is ok, but this is a _/implementation/_ issue - not an NSI spec issue. All of this continued confusion about whether a primitive is a PA primitive or an RA primitive is unnecessary and was caused by adding stuff to the WSDL that wasn't in the spec and wasn't discussed or agreed to. ARRGH!!! There should be one WSDL for all NSAs. Period. And that WSDL is supposed to support a simple guaranteed message transport of NSI messages. If you continue to try to bury NSI processing in the message transport layer and then try to optimize things by jamming Great Ideas into the wsdl without discussion with the group you will continue to have confusion. We agreed that the NSI layer would be independent of the MTL layer. The WSDL should not be violating that explicit decision of the Working Group by parsing NSI layer messaging. Fundamentally, splitting the WSDL into two actors is not something the protocol required and has caused a tremendous amount of unnecessary confusion. I realize it was done with good intention, _/but it was not part of the spec./_ The spec says a the protocol consists of all of these primitives. If a user only wants to be an RA, fine! But that is a user decision and the spec does not need to care. Someone build them a user API library that allows a user to ignore those routines he'll never use, but we don't go jamming stuff in the spec for this. Indeed, if the WSDL was truly observing the layers, it would not have *ANY* RA or PA primitives, it would have MTL functions such as send(), Acknowledge() and receive() or some such. The event handler in the NSI layer should be dispatching the correct software processing. ... I suggest we bite the bullet and re-combine the two WSDLs asap so there is only one to deal with. And for version 2.0 we relegate the WSDL to the trash heap - or barring that to being the proper and respectful MTL it is supposed to be.
- maybe allow suggestion that either chain or tree reservation model is prefered in reservation request
This is an interesting feature. Is it just a routing suggestion?
Ugh! Why on earth would you do that? First, such a decision requires a substantive detailed understanding of both the end to end data plane topology as well as a fair amount of knowledge about the control plane accessibility. If the RA is smart enough to know it wants a tree or chain decomposition, then the RA should make the appropriate segmentation itself. Period. Thats why we have both in the protocol- because the group felt that the RAs would want to make those decisions themselves. If the RA elects to delegate the request to some PA, then let the PA do its job...as it deems appropriate. It seems oxymoronic to send a request to another NSA because you were too lazy or ill informed to make the reservation yourself, and then tell the other NSA how to do it. This seems utterly silly.:-) If the RA can't effect the segmentation it desires by doing so itself, then you have to ask the question *why* it can not do so?? If it does not know enough topology, then how does it know to ask for chain or tree? If it knows the topology but does not have the authority with other NSAs, then why would you think an intermediary will fare better using those same authorization credentials? (Its like the 14 yr old kid who can't buy beer asking another clerk to buy the beer for him....!:-) All NSAs are alike. Period. They *all* have the protocol capabilities to do what they want to do. They can segment any path they wish, they can contact any NSA they wish, ... there is nothing *in the protocol* that separates NSAs functionally. Policy decides most of this for NSI...we don't need to add more nuanced overhead to the protocol. Not to get too foamed at the mouth,...but the protocol is extremely powerful as it is. It already gives anyone the ability to create an NSA, and then the ability to ask for just about anything they want. But it requires authorization and knowledge of topology to do some of these things. If your NSA does not have the topology knowledge or authority to do something itself, its either not very smart, or not very trusted... and it probably does not have the authority or topology because other NSAs don't think it can make good decisons... Ergo- bad idea to circumvent the PA's responsibility by letting an RA tell it what to do.
Now my two cents:
- We experienced from the demo, that sending a provision request just after reservation request, results in simple ack. So in fact we are unaware if the reservation is in auto provision state or not. We just get provisioned status update when reservation start time comes. We can wait 1 minute for that during demo, but if the service is about to start in 4 weeks... Yes. Functioning as defined. I am concerned about this as well. It causes complicated code (nothing to do with Web Services JERRY, but with the protocol).
- People were asking for query message, to retrieve the reservation status at all partners and a path.
"People" ? Anyone can Query() a ConnectionID. This was solved in SLC I thought... If they have proper Authorization credentials, they will receive a full dump of the entire tree. Soup to nuts. If their credentials are not all powerful, they will get as far down the tree as
- People were also interested if the same path will be configured for each provision message
I don't know that we are explicit in the spec about this... I had always assumed that a detailed Path would be reserved at the time of the ReservationReq(). Though it could be modified up to start time as long as it met the original reserved service parameters. I would assert
- protocol does not specify it, it’s actually up to domain, but in some cases it may be important (see Express scenario later) - Express was also interested in specyfing path for the reservation. E.g. they have one reservation now, and another in two months - two reservations needs to go the same path. We can't solve it now. Express also experienced issues with any connections they get - they need to tune it before use. Sa they do that about 2 weeks before operations, and check again about 1 day or hours before sending data. This scenario is a real user scenario, which we should discuss. I've invited the guy (apology - I forgot his name, but I will find him at the venue during break) from Express for the March OGF meeting in Oxford so we could discuss it.
IMO, This is an example of trying to recreate the problems we are trying to solve. We are trying to break the circle of fear where Networks are allowed to get away with empty performance promises. If the PA actually provides what they confirmed, then a quick test at the start of
:-) Hmm, I agree the provisionConfirmed() should not be left hanging for weeks. That *is* an NSI problem. I disagree however if a single "ACK" (not a NSI Response msg) is the only acknowledgment for two messages...thats wrong. The spec says that NSI messages are assumed to be guaranteed delivery. If you send a NSI message, the receiving MTL should ACK that message as soon as the message is cleanly received and properly queued for NSI layer processing at the receiver. And every message received from the same NSA should be queued and ACK'd serially in this fashion as well. We decided that the ACK in the layers of John's overly simplified WS* MTL would be used for that purpose (I think the ACKs are actually a SOAP function...?) If a Provision arrives immediately following a Reserve, the MTL should not care. Period. The MTL should not care what types of NSI messages it is sending or receiving. Each message should be handled as just another message received from another NSA - and as soon as it is queued for NSI layer, an ACK should be sent back. The MTL should *never* *EVER* (!!!) be examining the NSI context to evaluate the validity of a msg or acting at the NSI layer. Doing so is a layer violation. The ACKs are part of the MTL...not NSI. NSI assumes all messages are delivered and only enters error processing if/when the primitive Response() timeout occurs. As for the autoprovision state or not... That is a different issue. If NSA Allen sends a Resv() to NSA Betty, immediately followed by a Prov() to Betty... IMHO, Betty should return a ReserveConfirm() as soon as resources are allocated, and a ProvisionConfirmed() as soon as Betty has evaluated the ProvisionReq() and noted in her db to autostart the connection. Perhaps we can set a flag or a state in the ProvisionConfirmed response to indicate the circuit is in autostart mode, not "in service". I am not certain we need another message when an AutoStart is performed and the circuit goes into service...thats why the circuit was autostarted in the first place - so the RA doesn't want or need to deal with such messaging. If the RA wants, it can Query() the connection at the start time to see what the control plane thinks the state/status is... So I propose: 1) we need a clearer definition of the MTL API ...what the MTL should be doing, 2) we need to review the SM - I think we do not want Provision() responses hanging out for possibly weeks or months in this autoStart scenario. their credentials will allow - and then the tree will stop. They will however learn which NSA rejected the child Query(). With this, the RA can issue a directed Query() to that NSA presumably with different (more powerful) credentials and can fillout the tree. If the RA does not have proper Authorization, he is SOL. Sorry - thats why its call "Authorization". (:-) that once the connection is provisioned that the path should be fixed until the end of the reservation. A provision() should not change that. In essence, the PA must meet the parameters specified in the reservation request, but is otherwise free to manage its resources as it sees fit up until the start of the reservation. At the start of the reservation, the path is locked so that it will remain the same physical path until terminated. Provisioning simply changes the state and perhaps should also shut the connection to prevent data flow, but does not otherwise change the configuration of the resources. the reservation will verify it. Indeed, such a test should be performed by both the PA(s) and the RA. If the service is properly requested (User's responsibility) and properly provisioned (Network's responsibility) why would a connection then need "tuning" ?...it either functions as requested, or it does not. This is really a change in mindset - a user should not have to "tune" the provider's delivered service. The PA better &^%$& well know how to configure their equipment to meet their committed service levels. And a PA should not ignore the importance of service provisioning details such as port buffers, burst characteristics, capacity interleaving, and the like and expect it to fly. The networks ignore these details at their own risk. The wise PA will have thoroughly tested as many possible service instance scenarios as possible prior to offering a service. They are after all, *guaranteeing* the service. However, there are two problems here: a) there is little pain imposed upon R&E providers when they miss their guaranteed service levels, and b) even a well intentioned provider - particularly early on - is likely to miss some aspects that may impact service...The PA is still at fault, but due to an honest oversight rather than incompetence or indifference. I don't think we need to or should change the protocol to address competency issues in the operational or engineering staffs. If the user wants the same connection on a day to day or week to week basis, then reserve the connection and hold it...forever if need be. If the system is working correctly, tuning of the connection is not something that will be required. If it does not work correctly, and the connection is flawed, then we need to figure out why - its not likely the protocol. I think we should take the network PA at its word: that a reservation confirmation means the PA has agreed to do this, and that we can rely on the PA to do so. And we flame them well and hold their feet to the fire when they miss. If the user does not trust the PA but continues to use the PA after the PA has repeatedly failed to deliver the confirmed performance, then the RA is not very smart...or the RA needs a bigger stick. Thanks for reading so much technical stuff... Jerry
Best regards Radek
________________________________________________________________________ Radoslaw Krzywania Network Research and Development Poznan Supercomputing and radek.krzywania@man.poznan.pl <mailto:radek.krzywania@man.poznan.pl> Networking Center +48 61 850 25 26 http://www.man.poznan.pl ________________________________________________________________________
-----Original Message----- From: nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org <mailto:nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org> [mailto:nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org] On Behalf Of John MacAuley Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:46 PM To: nsi-plugfest@m.aist.go.jp <mailto:nsi-plugfest@m.aist.go.jp>; nsi-wg@ogf.org <mailto:nsi-wg@ogf.org> WG Subject: [Nsi-wg] NSI Issues list – Rio de Janeiro Demo
Here are some of the notes I captured.
The reservation XML message contains two element tags both named “reservation”. The first is the reservation operation and the second is the reservation information contents. This will need to be fixed in the types XSD.
The “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements in the NSI protocol header caused some confusion. In the CS document we stated that this would be populated with the NSnetwork URN as defined in Salt Lake City. However, when the demo topology schema was created we introduced a new NSA object. Some people used the URN of the NSA object in the “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements. We will need to make a definitive statement as we define the formal NSI topology. Do we rename the elements to “providerNSnetwork” and “requesterNSnetwork” and continue using the NSnetwork URNs, or do we switch over to NSA URN?
Demo topology definition was an issue, but in the end we had something workable for the demo. Going forward we need to formalize NSI topology definition and how it relates to other schema such as DTOX and NML. I am going to start working on the topology discovery/exchange problem to get use moving forward.
Security presented interoperability issues as some people enforced authentication and authorization while others did not. Some systems could not provide the needed credentials, and resulted in some incompatibility. I believe we are clear on what we want to implement for NSA-to-NSA security, but we need to formalize the session security requirements so we can begin to implement in the NSAs.
Namespace issues – this is not an issue with the protocol specification but with a few of the less mature SOAP web services toolkits. They get confused between the interface and type namespaces for the protocol elements due to the use of “ref” to reference protocol operation elements from the types XSD in the interfaces WSDL.
Now that we have had some demo experience with error handling, I think it is time to start formalizing values in the NsiExceptionType. I have already identified ten generic error conditions, and I am sure there are many more. As a follow up to this item, NSA implementations need to populate the NsiExceptionType.variables with additional information to help identify the problem that caused the rejection of the message. I had done this in OpenDRAC so any errors returned to other NSA would contain information formatted as follows:
<messageId>SVC0001</messageId> <text>Invalid or missing parameter</text> <variables> <Attribute Name="replyTo" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<null></AttributeValue> </Attribute> </variables>
Interface version discovery – I had discussed this with the group previously, but now that we are moving forward, up issuing NSI schema versions, and adding new interfaces we will need a mechanism for discovering the interfaces and versions supported by an NSA. I will propose something formal when I get a chance.
John. _______________________________________________ nsi-wg mailing list nsi-wg@ogf.org <mailto:nsi-wg@ogf.org> http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/nsi-wg

Hi all- I am glad to hear folks have been keeping notes about issues relating to the spec, and I am equally happy folks want to dive into and resolve these issues. However, I would ask everyone to remember that this is a *standards* effort, a group effort. Not a attempt to simply solve a problem. By this I mean that we are trying to find *CONSENSUS* in how and why we do anything/everything within these standards. This means that we should bring *ALL* of these issues discovered in the demo rush to the working group for discussion and resolution - these are not issues that can be solved by anyone's individual initiative. It is important that everyone understands that if you try to solve these issues unilaterally, you keep everyone one else from contributing to and thereby buying into the solution. Even an easy solution or what you think is the obvious solution is not necessarily the proper solution. It is important that we discuss these issues in the working group forum _/and agree/_ to a solution. Then we put it in the standard, and then we implement what is in the standard. If you have ideas for how some of these issues should be solved, post it to the list first for discussion, or make a PPT and ask for time on a call. Share your ideas with the group first, and be prepared to defend them and compromise when necessary. This is how we build consensus *and* good code. Thanks! Jerry On 9/14/11 10:46 AM, John MacAuley wrote:
Here are some of the notes I captured.
The reservation XML message contains two element tags both named “reservation”. The first is the reservation operation and the second is the reservation information contents. This will need to be fixed in the types XSD.
The “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements in the NSI protocol header caused some confusion. In the CS document we stated that this would be populated with the NSnetwork URN as defined in Salt Lake City. However, when the demo topology schema was created we introduced a new NSA object. Some people used the URN of the NSA object in the “providerNSA” and “requesterNSA” elements. We will need to make a definitive statement as we define the formal NSI topology. Do we rename the elements to “providerNSnetwork” and “requesterNSnetwork” and continue using the NSnetwork URNs, or do we switch over to NSA URN?
Demo topology definition was an issue, but in the end we had something workable for the demo. Going forward we need to formalize NSI topology definition and how it relates to other schema such as DTOX and NML. I am going to start working on the topology discovery/exchange problem to get use moving forward.
Security presented interoperability issues as some people enforced authentication and authorization while others did not. Some systems could not provide the needed credentials, and resulted in some incompatibility. I believe we are clear on what we want to implement for NSA-to-NSA security, but we need to formalize the session security requirements so we can begin to implement in the NSAs.
Namespace issues – this is not an issue with the protocol specification but with a few of the less mature SOAP web services toolkits. They get confused between the interface and type namespaces for the protocol elements due to the use of “ref” to reference protocol operation elements from the types XSD in the interfaces WSDL.
Now that we have had some demo experience with error handling, I think it is time to start formalizing values in the NsiExceptionType. I have already identified ten generic error conditions, and I am sure there are many more. As a follow up to this item, NSA implementations need to populate the NsiExceptionType.variables with additional information to help identify the problem that caused the rejection of the message. I had done this in OpenDRAC so any errors returned to other NSA would contain information formatted as follows:
<messageId>SVC0001</messageId> <text>Invalid or missing parameter</text> <variables> <Attribute Name="replyTo" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ><null></AttributeValue> </Attribute> </variables>
Interface version discovery – I had discussed this with the group previously, but now that we are moving forward, up issuing NSI schema versions, and adding new interfaces we will need a mechanism for discovering the interfaces and versions supported by an NSA. I will propose something formal when I get a chance.
John. _______________________________________________ nsi-wg mailing list nsi-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/nsi-wg

Hi all, Here is G-LAMBDA/AIST's lessons learned and comments on the NSI plugfest: 1. WSDL provisioning While some clients (AIST and KDDI) tried to get WSDL from servers before establishing a session, some servers did not provide WSDL. This problem was solved by make AIST and KDDI implementations to read local WSDL, but we are not sure whether using a local WSDL is right thing or not. 2. Lessons learned (?) - Ack and conf/fail sequence problem. AIST implemented processing of request such as reserve as a different thread from the one which receives requests. Therefore, a confirm message is sometimes returned before the ack. But some implementations did not allow it. (this problem has not been fixed yet) - We experienced network problems (like connection refused), especially between OpenNSA and others. The ack and conf/fail sequence matter may be the cause of these network problems . But not quite sure. This should be investigated further. - Implementations used different timezones in specifying times. One of the implementations worked only if a reservation request is made in the same timezone. Also, using different timezones for logs is not very human understandable. 2. SAML We don't think the discussion on SAML is mature enough. At this moment, we should not put SAML security attributes in the WSDL. Extensible specification can be used for future extension (including SAML) like : <xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> Just as an example, OGF OGSA-BES (Basic Execution Service) does not include security attributes in WSDL or schema, and uses xsd:any multiple times so that outer schema can be used for security attributes. 3. synchronous/asynchronous call It seems using a separate session for confirm/fail is confusing. We have to introduce correlation id, and also we encountered a problem in the order of ack and confirm messages as stated above. Asynchronous calls are now widely used for many services, and supported by most of toolkits including Axis, CXF, Glassfish and Websphere. A major advantage of asynchronous call is that the client can be at behind a NAT. On the other hand, since a connection is there until a reply is sent back, there is a limit in the number of requests which have not been replied. But (especially if we will modify the protocol to reply to provision request in Autostart immediately), there will not be so many connections at a time. We are not proposing this for v1.0, but we think it should be considered (again) for v2.0. 4. WSDL related - The STP list is defined in WSDL as: <xsd:complexType name="OrderedServiceTerminationPointType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="stpId" type="tns:StpIdType" /> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="order" type="xsd:integer" /> </xsd:complexType> But <order> is not necessary. Order of array elements are guaranteed in both JAXB and SOAP. Same for DetailedPathType. - xsd:integer can be xsd:int xsd:integer is mapped to BigInteger in Java. Normal xsd:int would be sufficient.
participants (4)
Jerry Sobieski
John MacAuley
Radek Krzywania
Tomohiro Kudoh