Procedure to request demos at the GEC 22 / US INSPIRE / OGF 43 + GLIF event

Dear OGF groups in the Infrastructure area, There will be demo opportunities available at the GEC 22 + OGF 43 event. Please see the information below regarding how to request a demo and how these will fit into the overall agenda. If you are interested in giving a demo outside of this opportunity at a Meetup or Cloud Plugfest, or as part of an OGF session, please also let me know and I will convey this to the organizers of those events. The main focus of the GEC22 demos is on direct networking topics, whereas those in the latter categories can be of broader interest. Thanks, Alan (for the OGF events team) -------------------- Begin forwarded message: Hi Alan, The demo is at GW, There wil be max of 55 demos (GENI and US-Ignite) and we are still waiting for demo proposal to come in so we can do the review and do the final selection. If there is any interest in doing a demo, here is the link. Cheers, Henry
participants (1)
Sill, Alan