For those of you who may be interested in Named Data Networking. Alan Begin forwarded message: From: "Miller, Grant CTR" <miller@nitrd.gov<mailto:miller@nitrd.gov>> Subject: FW: NDN workshop at NIST Date: April 12, 2016 at 6:42:56 PM GMT+1 To: lsn <lsn@nitrd.gov<mailto:lsn@nitrd.gov>>, jet <jet@nitrd.gov<mailto:jet@nitrd.gov>>, lsn-magic <lsn-magic@nitrd.gov<mailto:lsn-magic@nitrd.gov>> Colleagues, I thought many of you would have an interest in this workshop. Regards, Grant Miller (contractor) National Coordination Office (NCO)/Vencore Coordinator: Large Scale Networking miller@nitrd.gov<mailto:miller@nitrd.gov> 703 292 4873 From: Battou, Abdella (Fed) [mailto:abdella.battou@nist.gov] Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:40 PM To: Miller, Grant CTR Subject: NDN workshop at NIST Hi Grant, NIST will be holding an NDN Workshop May 31-June 1, 2016 on its Gaithersburg campus. http://www.nist.gov/itl/antd/named-data-networking.cfm This might of interest to the LSN community. Cheers, Abdella ________________________________ All e-mails to and from this account are for NITRD official use only and subject to certain disclosure requirements. If you have received this e-mail in error, we ask that you notify the sender and delete it immediately.
participants (1)
Sill, Alan