GRIDNETS 2010 - Call for Papers

*GRIDNETS 2010* 4th International ICST Conference on Networks for Grid Applications 13-15 September 2010, Chicago, USA <> *CALL FOR PAPERS * *SPONSORS* Sponsored by ICST <> Technically co-sponsored by CREATE-NET <> *** *SCOPE* GRIDNETS 2010 provides a focused and highly interactive forum where researchers and technologists have the opportunity to present and discuss leading research, developments, and future directions in the Grid Networking area. The goal of this event is to serve as both the premier conference presenting best Grid Networking research and a forum where new concepts can be introduced and explored. *** ***TOPICS* **Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following focus areas:** ** * Network architectures and technologies for grids * Integration of advanced optical networking technologies into the grid environment * The network as a first class grid resource: network resource information publication, brokering, and co-scheduling with other resources * Interaction of the network with distributed data management systems * Network monitoring, traffic characterisation, and performance analysis * Inter-layer interactions: optical layer with higher layer protocols, integration among layers * Experience with pre-production optical network infrastructures and exchange points * Peer-to-peer network enhancements applied to the grid * Network support for wireless and ad hoc grids * Data replication and multicasting strategies and novel data transport protocols * Cluster and high performance networks * Networks for data centers * Networks & cloud computing issues * Fault-tolerance, self healing networks * Security and scalability issues when connecting a large number of sites within a virtual organization VPN * Cloud networking and Grid Networking intersection * Grid Networking and petascale computing * Grid Networking for e-Science * Terabit Grid Networking * Digital media and Grid Networks * Energy awareness and power consumption in grids * Virtual networks * Digital media networks * Ad hoc networks The organizers of GRIDNETS 2010 encourage submissions related to the results of future network research activities. Currently, many large scale advanced networking research projects have been established to create new types of experimental research environments, such as the US National Science Foundation's Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI), those being created in Europe through the EIFFEL (Evolved Internet Future for European Leadership) and FIREworks (Future Internet Research and Experimentation - Strategy Works) initiatives, in Japan through the New Generation Internet program, and in many other countries. In addition, various related initiatives, such as the NSF's Future Internet Design (FIND), have been established to support research using advanced network research testbeds. GridNets has been designed as a forum in which the results of such activities can be presented and discussed. *** *PUBLICATION* Accepted papers will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering <> (LNICST) series. *** *SUBMISSION* Detailed submission and formatting instructions are available at *** *IMPORTANT DATES* Papers submission deadline:*** 3 May 2010* **Notification of paper acceptance:** *5 July 2010* **Camera-ready deadline:** *2 August 2010 ****** *ORGANIZING COMMITTEE* *General Chairs *Chair: Joe Mambretti, Northwestern University, USA Co-chair: Gigi Karmous-Edwards, North Carolina State University, USA* TPC Co-Chairs *Robert Grossman, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA Dimitra Simeonidou, University of Essex, UK For a complete list of committee and board members, please visit *** *DISCLAIMER* ICST will only send e-mail of an informative character towards its carefully selected users based on their predefined areas of interest. ICST does not use volume-based mailing systems. If you no longer wish to receive these specific messages on the particular topic, please send an e-mail with the word "Unsubscribe" in the subject line to <>
participants (1)
Gigi Karmous-Edwards