ANI Testbed for Network Research: Call for proposals

Attached is a call for proposals for ESnet's Network Research Testbed. Please feel free to submit a proposal and forward it to researchers who might be able to take advantage of this opportunity. Thanks, Inder --- ESnet Call for Proposals: Advanced Network Initiative Testbed ESnet is now soliciting research proposals for its ARRA-funded testbed. It currently provides network researchers with a rapidly reconfigurable high-performance network research environment where reproducible tests can be run. This will eventually evolve into a nationwide 100Gbps testbed, available for use to any researcher whose proposal is accepted. Sample Research Researchers can use the testbed to prototype, test, and validate cutting edge networking concepts, for example, projects including: • Path computation algorithms that incorporate information about hybrid layer 1, 2 and 3 paths, and support 'cut-through' routing. • New transport protocols for high speed networks • Protection and recovery algorithms • Automatic classification of large bulk data flows • New routing protocols • New network management techniques • Novel packet processing algorithms • High-throughput middleware and applications research Please look at the description to get a more detailed idea of the current testbed capabilities. Important Dates The proposal review panel will discuss and review proposals twice yearly. The first round of proposals is due October 1, 2010, and decisions will be made by Dec 10, 2011. After that the committee will meet approximately every six months to accept additional proposals and review progress of current projects. Proposals should be sent to: More details on the testbed and the brief proposal process can be found here: How to Apply Researchers wanting to access the ANI testbed must submit a short 1-2 page PDF proposal, including detailed information on: • Proposed research • Testbed usage o Testbed components used o Time and access requirements For further proposal process and requirements details, please visit: About the Advanced Network Initiative As part of the ARRA Advanced Networking Initiative, launched by $62 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds, ESnet has embarked on a project to handle the expanding data needs between DOE supercomputing facilities. The goal of the project is to accelerate deployment of 100 Gbps technologies to support science research and education, as well as build a robust infrastructure that will transition into a production network. The testbed will be located in Lawrence Berkeley National Labs at ESnet facilities until October 2010. The testbed will move to Long Island on a dark fiber ring between Brookhaven National Lab (BNL) and Manhattan (MANLAN) by the end of 2010. In the future, new capabilities may be added to the location of the current testbed. --- Inder Monga ANI Testbed ESnet Blog (510) 499 8065 (c) (510) 486 6531 (o) "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." - Napoleon Hill
participants (1)
Inder Monga