FW: [GLIF all] Early bird rate for GLIF 2015 extended

Hello All, If you would like to attend the NSI meeting on the Monday before GLIF, please don't forget to register for GLIF - details below. I will be staying at the official accommodation. Guy From: Kevin Meynell [mailto:kevin@meynell.com] On Behalf Of Kevin Meynell Sent: 06 July 2015 00:45 To: GLIF All Subject: [GLIF all] Early bird rate for GLIF 2015 extended Dear all, The organisers are pleased to announce that the Early Bird rate for the 14th Global LambdaGrid Workshop on 28-30 September 2015 at the Hotel International, Prague, Czech Republic has been extended until 15 July 2015. The registration fee is USD 400 until then, increasing to USD 500 thereafter (all including VAT). The programme can be found at http://www.glif.is/meetings/2015/ Accommodation in the Hotel International is available at the special rate of USD 111 for a single room, and USD 121 for a double room per night (including VAT) if booked before 28 August 2015. You can register, book accommodation and pay online at http://glif2015.cesnet.cz/ Regards, Kevin Meynell Executive Secretary
participants (1)
Guy Roberts