Important: Call for demos at IEEE NFV-SDN Conference Nov. 18-21, 2015 San Francisco

Dear esteemed NSI-WG members, Thought you would be interested in the following link. We’ve been approached by the organizers of this conference to see if there are any relevant demos that we would like to offer. If you’ve already replied or submitted a paper or demo to this conference, please also let the NSI group know. Otherwise, planning a demo of appropriate OGF-based technologies might be a quiet useful thing to do, given the previous engagement of this and other OGF groups in this area. (Just a friendly suggestion!) Alan Topic: CALL FOR DEMOS The IEEE NFV-SDN conference also invites practical and theoretical demonstration papers in the NFV and SDN realms addressing (but not limited to) the topics in the CFP. The demonstrations should be configured to run in a cloud environment accessible via Internet and presented from the exhibit space floor on the demonstrator’s laptop. Also, an author of an accepted demo is required to register for the conference at the full or limited rate and present the demo at the IEEE NFV-SDN 2015 conference. All demo submissions must be written in English with a maximum paper length of 3 (three) pages (including text, figures, and references) and should be submitted using EDAS. The demo proposals should include: - title for of the proposed demonstration, - the names, affiliations, and email addresses of authors, - the goals of the demo, introduction and motivations, scientific and technical description, and implementation and use, - information about the equipment to be used for the demo/exhibition (e.g., laptops, monitors, routers/switches, etc.) and whether you will bring them to the demo, - space needed and setup time required, - any related publications or technical reports, and - a URL with any additional information, if needed. All submissions must be written in English with at most 3 pages in length, including figures, and in PDF format only. Please address questions to Demo Co-Chairs Selcuk Uluagac ( suluagac AT fiu DOT edu ) and Francisco-JavierRamón Salguero (javier.ramon AT telefonica DOT com). Demo Submission deadline: Was: June 14th, 2015 Now: August 15th, 2015 (extended) Link:
participants (1)
Sill, Alan