Gloriad - not on the diagram but connected to krlight. Also thinks it is connected to startap but the links do not line up. I think they may be misnamed. Are these equivalent? urn:ogf:network:startap.net:2013:gloriad-startap == urn:ogf:network:startap.net:2013:glo-in urn:ogf:network:startap.net:2013:startap-gloriad == urn:ogf:network:startap.net:2013:glo-out On 2013-09-24, at 10:01 PM, John MacAuley <jmacauley@gmail.com> wrote:
More issues. I am assuming the A-GOLE diagram is intended to be somewhat accurate and therefore...
1. Startap or Startlight - how is it suppose to be named? 2. Northernlight or nordu.net? 3. Pioneer and Geant are not connected in topology but are in the diagram. 4. Geant thinks it is connected to Netherlight in topology but Netherlight disagrees. The diagram disagrees as well.
Very hard for path computation to get anywhere with all the current issues.
On 2013-09-24, at 9:32 PM, John MacAuley <john.macauley@surfnet.nl> wrote:
The topology files in github are a bit of a mess and I have been fixing them up all day. If you are not dynamically downloading them you may want to pull and update.