The WSDL and state machine for version 1.0 of the NSI Connection Service have now been frozen for the NSI plugfest. These can be found here: http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/docman/do/listDocuments/projects.nsi-wg/docman... Please be aware that this version is subject to errata if any show-stopper issues are found during development; these changes will be kept to a minimum to avoid disruption to prototype development. Happy coding and I look forward to a great plugfest in Rio! Guy _____________________________________________________________________ ** Guy Roberts, PhD Network Engineering & Planning * * Tel: +44 (0)1223 371300 * * City House Direct: +44 (0)1223 371316 * 126-130 Hills Road Fax: +44 (0)1223 371371 * Cambridge * CB2 1PQ E-mail: guy.roberts@dante.net<mailto:guy.roberts@dante.org.uk> D A N T E United Kingdom WWW: http://www.dante.net _____________________________________________________________________