Hi John,


I like your proposal for changes to the primitive and state names…. To me these seem more clear and consistent than previous versions.




From: nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org [mailto:nsi-wg-bounces@ogf.org] On Behalf Of John MacAuley
Sent: 08 May 2011 13:45
To: Guy Roberts
Cc: nsi-wg@ogf.org
Subject: Re: [Nsi-wg] Draft NSI Connection Service Protocol document




Chin commented last week on the need for symmetry in naming for both operations and the state machine.  I dropped of the WG call this week when my mobile battery died, but I will assume a detailed discussion did not take place.  I did notice Guy changed the name of the cancel and release operation, so I thought I might bring up Chin's concerns again.  These are simple changes so I do not think they have much of an impact.  These are meant to line up the operations and state machine.


Here are the current operations and a proposed change:


Request a reservation:
            reserveRequest                        -> reservationRequest
            reserveConfirmed       -> reservationConfirmed
            reserveFailed               -> reservationFailed

Terminate a reservation:
            cancelReservationRequest      -> terminateReservationRequest
            cancelReservationConfirmed  -> terminateReservationConfirmed
            cancelReservationFailed                     -> terminateReservationFailed

Request provisioning:

Release provisioning:

Request a Query:


And the current stater machine values:


            Initial – nothing exist yet, the RA and PA are waiting the user initiation
            Reserving –a reserveRequest has been sent and the PA is attempting to make a reservation
            Reserved – the reserveRequest has succeeded and a reservation has been created
            Provisioning – a provisionRequest has been sent and provisioning is ongoing
            Provisioned (In-Service) – the Connection has been correctly provisioned
            Releasing – a releaseRequest has been sent and a release is ongoing
            Terminating (Canceling)– a terminateReservationRequest (cancelRequest) has been sent and a cancelation is ongoing

            Terminated– nothing exists any longer, a cancel request has been successful


I think this might get us closer to what Chin is looking for...




On 2011-05-06, at 1:08 PM, Guy Roberts wrote:

I have updated the NSI connection service protocol document to reflect the current discussions.  This is intended to incorporate both the NSI connection service protocol details and sufficient contextual discussion to allow this protocol to be implemented. There will no longer be an NSI connection service architecture document.


You can find a copy here:  http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc16045?nav=1


All feedback is welcome.





      **       Guy Roberts, PhD     Network Engineering & Planning

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