Hi all- Attached please find the GLIF 2011 Rio NSI Plugfest Guide v1.0. THis is fairly detailed, but it is meant to be very clear and even handed about NSI interoperability. This document includes four technical interop Challenges. Also attached please find the RDF (.OWL) files for the topologies that I use in the Challenges. You should be able to just upload these into the SNE editor to view them. These files describe a single self-contained inter-domain topology for the associated Challenge(s). The "Deuce" topology is for Challenge 1 and 2, the "Quad" topology is for Challenges 3 and 4. Please review and offer any comments or suggestions. These are drafts - I expect some [hopefully] minor adjustments to these over the next couple weeks. But I hope this is essentially on the right track to guide the implementations towards a successful interop in Rio. Thanks Jerry