Hej Henrik... see comments in line.
On 12/7/12 5:35 AM, Henrik Thostrup
Jensen wrote:
On Thu, 6 Dec 2012, Vangelis Chaniotakis wrote:
I hope these are productive suggestions:
- let's name it something akin to "GlobalConnectionId"
- let's make it mandatory,
- let's specify the desired immutable behavior
( Ideally I'd also really like to take another page from the
commercial world and have something like those 6-character
strings used for airline reservations assigned to the end-to-end
connection.. but that's not necessarily an NSI feature I suppose
- can be part of a meta-service)
How about this:
We merge the connectionId and globalReservationId (not sure on the
- It is generated by the client and must be generated in a way
clashes should not occur (UUIDs are obvious, but I'd prefer not
force specific technology needlessly).
Respectfully, I disagree. You need to keep the local segment
identifier (ConnectionID) separate from a Global identifier. Else
you run into problems with loops where two segments crossing the
same domain from the same connection end up with the same identifier
within a single domain. You can't distinguish them if their only
identifier is a global end-to-end identifier. So you need each
segment to have a unique identifier - a ConnectionID.
If someone wants to us UUIDs as their local CID, fine, as long as
they are locally unique for each segment. If someone else wants to
use other key information n their CIDs - let them do that. The key
here is that each NSA can create a local ConnectionId that is
meaningful to that NSA. And that locally issued Connection ID is
only useful when used in the context of the issuing NSA. So you
have another two-tuple: [global] NSAid + [local] ConnectionID =
global localization.
Every NSA does this. And every NSA keeps track of the mapping of
their Connection ID with that assigned by the parent/child of the
Reservation request. These are exchanged in the
ReserveReq()/ReserveConfirm() initial msg exhange.
Thus, whenever you want a third party agent to query a connection,
you tell them which provider NSA built the Connection, and the
Connection ID that the provider assigned. Simple.
In a detailed Query() (albeit one that meets all authorization down
the tree), the response will expose the NSAs and CIDs of each node
in the Service tree. The leaf nodes provide the data plane path.
- This creates a single identifier for the whole
connection for both
users and any other third part that must use the connection.
I don't think so. We can carry a tag along with the Reservation.
And keep that tag and query against it. But it can't be used to
identify a specific segment. If can only be used to identify
segements ...that have that tag. What if someone else issued a
request with the same tag? If the tag is intended to be unique -
globally unique - how do you validate that? It is not enough to
mandate it, if you cannot check it then it is subject to hack. If
you cannot validate it, then you cannot trust it. Even a UUID can
be fraudulent - it must be validated to be reliable and in the
standard. If the standard cannot validate its global uniqueness,
and does not require that it be validated, then it is simply
optional and a best practice... and subject to a million hackers who
would love to mess with you.
- If an NSA receives a request with a (global)
connection id the request
is rejected, as the client should feel bad.
Additionally, each NSA must assign an identifier to a connection
if (and only if) a local link is created. We can call this linkId.
Not sure what you mean... Each NSA - even if they do not have a
local segment - can nevertheless segment the request into many
children in other domains. Why should these have or need a
different type of identifier than a local segment ConnectionID?
This means:
We have one - and only - identifier to refer to the whole
connection. This is the primary way of referencing the connection,
and will in most cases be the only thing a user / third party will
Again, I don't think it will work as you envision. Do you mean a
single tag that says "all segments with this tag belong to the same
circuit" ? And this tag *is* or *is not* the same as the
ConnectionID that identifies a specific segment within a single
I assume you are proposing two separate objects: a segment unique
ConnectionID, and a end-to-end connection grouping identifier (an
endtoend tag) ?? How do you expect the endtoend tag to be used -
speciifcally? In a provision request? query? modify? Is this
just re-inventing the current globalid field?
You need a means of identifying uniquely each segment
of a connection -differentiating it from other segments within a
domain, from other segments in the same connection, and from
segments in all other connections. An end-to-end tag is only
cosmetic. Functionally, within the software, the globalid/endtoend
tag requires a lot of care and feeding in order to insure that it is
a valid tag (see above about validation.)
We have an identifier for each link in the connection. Besides the
obvious use of identifying connection segments individually, this
can be used for contacting the NOC or similar. By allowing the NSA
to assign this it becomes possible to integrate into local
systems, and re-use identifiers from a local system (I have this
requirement, though it is not set in stone).
Agreed. You are saying this is what we have now..right?
Best regards, Henrik
Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net>
Software Developer, NORDUnet
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