Henrik, I just downloaded updated topologies from some of the OpenNSA sources and noticed you are still using http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/05/ethernet#vlan instead of http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2012/10/ethernet#vlan. Also, port urn:ogf:network:nordu.net:2013:ampath-in indicates connectivity to urn:ogf:network:ampath.net:2013:ndn-out but this port saying it is connected to urn:ogf:network:nordu.net:2013:aruba-in. Looks like the aruba-in/out within the am path topology needs to point to ampath-in/ampath-out. Thanks John On 2013-09-24, at 5:56 AM, Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj@nordu.net> wrote:
On Mon, 23 Sep 2013, John MacAuley wrote:
I also discovered that these two topology files are using the vlan identifier:
instead of:
Yep. I nicked it from the "Network Service Interface Topology Representation" document, where it is used, and didn't think further of it.
Have we ever agreed on any of them?
Anyway, if everyone else is using 2012/10 I can switch back to that, no problem.
Best regards, Henrik
Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net> Software Developer, NORDUnet
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