Here is an update on the inter-domain topology OWL file
(the Rio Ring).
---> I deleted the intra-domain Ports.
---> Corrected a mispelled object name.
---> Added the csProviderContact URL to the NSA object
for Aruba (OpenNSA), Bonaire (OpenDRAC), and Curacao
(AutoBAHN.) Others- please forward me a contact place for
your NSA.
---> Added Admin contact info to the NSA adminContact
Note- the SNE graphical display only shows a single link
between objects for connectTo, and mapsTo relations...The
RDF is actually correct in showing relations both
directions, but the editor somehow combines them to a single
This topology now contains only NSnetwork objects, STP
objects, and NSA objects.
Each implementation will need to edit this topology file to
map their STPs to the corresponding internal ports. The
mapping is done by inserting the string representing the
internal port into the "mapsTo" field of the corresponding
STP. A reverse relation should be provided mapping the
internal port to the STP. Each NSA/network must do this
for every STP in their assigned network.
Each network is free to define an internal topology as is
most convenient for them. The only requirement on internal
topology is that the STPs defined in the inter-domain
topology must map to internal ports with the following
characteristics: a) 1000 megabits/second max capacity, and
b) untagged.
If your internal topology is static, you can send me your
updated OWL file and I will integrate the mapsTo fields into
my global topology file and then subsequent topology updates
will have your mappings already included...
Tip: The DToX ontology used for the Rio NSI Topology still
supports the Node, Port, and several other topology objects.
These can be used by the respective networks to define
internal topology that is compatible with the inter-domain
topology if they so choose.
If you need *ANY* help with this at all, explainations,
advice, questions, etc... PLEASE!!! Let me know! We are up
against the wall now...simple is better...If I can simplify
things for you I am glad to do so.
Best regards!
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