Gigi Karmous-Edwards asked:
So, how is this modeled? Victor suggests having the link between two GOLEs as a single domain?
This is a good approach IMHO. It allows one to add a policy to a link. And as Erik-Jan eloquently pointed out, a link can have a policy.
I think the key question that started this debate was: Are GOLEs significantly different from Domains such that we need to model them differently?
Bearing the KISS principle in mind: If they can be modeled the same way for path finding, then I would do so. That would make the architecture more simple, and thus more powerful. I have not yet seen a compelling reason to model them differently. Such reason might still be there (I can imagine that it would speed up things knowing beforehand that a GOLE has no internal bottlenecks or is policy free.), however, I have not seem a simulation to prove that. Regards, Freek