To Henrik Thostrup Jensen****** ** ** We are sorry again for our unclear log file.**** ** ** Our implementation is based on *XML Gregolian Calendar* type to make reservation.**** Will you check out your schedule parameters(startTime, endTime).**** ** ** Best regards. On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj@nordu.net>wrote:
On Thu, 8 Sep 2011, jeonghoon moon wrote:
We just fixed implementation, and try again access !
This is what I see from the log:
[2011-09-08 21:59:25] INFO [reservation] connectionId : urn:uuid:9376575a-da19-11e0-**b7bb-00144f20a8d2, path : urn:ogf:network:stp:**Martinique:M1 -> urn:ogf:network:stp:**Martinique:M3 [2011-09-08 21:59:25] INFO [reservation] replyTo : http://orval.grid.aau.dk:7080/**NSI/services/ConnectionService<http://orval.grid.aau.dk:7080/NSI/services/ConnectionService> [2011-09-08 21:59:25] ERROR [server Exception] connectionId : urn:uuid:9376575a-da19-11e0-**b7bb-00144f20a8d2
It is getting a lot further than before, which is good.
Again, it is difficult to see what is the actual error here.
Not sure with the duplicate connetionId (in the previous logs) is about, I am generating a uuid with each request.
I am not getting a callback. I am not sure if it is issued or there is a firewall problem (I don't have any firewall in my end).
Best regards, Henrik
Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at ndgf.org> NORDUnet / Nordic Data Grid Facility.
-- Jeonghoon Moon Supercomputing Center Dept.of Infrastructure Technology Development KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Tel : +82-42-869-0578 Fax : +82-42-869-0589 H.P : +82-10-2534-6754 Skype : otello90 MSN : otellomoon@hotmail.com "Expect Great Things from God Attempt Great Things for God"