Sorry for sending this again, previous mail was send from private address and bounced at ghpn mailing list. So, I invite you to yell at me for spamming in the upcoming ghpn session :-) Dear *, I want to bring to your attention the GHPN meeting later this morning 10h30 at HGB-A-022. The agenda: Tuesday Mar. 15th, 10h30 – 12h30 - Agenda Bashing - Status of documents in the RG - Victor Reijs - Victor Reijs from HEANET has been working on a solution to the path computation in multi-layer technology networks. This work proposes an alternative solution to the one proposed by Freek Dijkstra in his PhD thesis. - This presentation will take about one hour including demonstrations. - Discussion about possible work/research items for OGF. - Any Other Subject - Adjourn Best regards, Cees.