Peoples, As I go through the effort of integrating the NML topology files with path finding I am noticing some misalignments based on the different times at which parts of the specification where defined. If other people are finding the same consistency issue please communicate them. I would hope I am not the only one. In the NSI point-to-point service we have defined a label on an STP to be the following: <labels> <attribute targetNamespace="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2012/10/ethernet#" type="vlan"> <value>1782</value> </attribute> </labels> However, in NML they have defined a LabelGroupType for label ranges, and a LabelType for specific label specification. <nml:LabelGroup labeltype="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2012/10/ethernet#vlan">1780-1783</nml:LabelGroup> The NML also creates unique attribute names/types by combining namespace # attribute, whereas in NSI we have kept them separate requiring two fields (targetNamespace and type) to qualify the attribute name. We should probably normalize these two definitions. Comments? Also, just so we are all on the same page with respect to STPs and their mappings onto NML constructs… The STP networkId is populated with the Topology element identifier, while the STP localId is populated with either the BidirectionalPort element identifier for bidirectional connections, or the PortGroup Id for unidirectional connections. For example, using the netherlight A-GOLE file we would get: networkId = urn:ogf:network:netherlight.net:2013:topology localId = urn:ogf:network:netherlight.net:2013:bi-netherlight-geant Thanks, John