Hi all, The restaurant for the dinner this evening is: Sala Thai Kitchen 679 South 200 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 801-328-2499 We will meet at the restaurant at 7:30pm. Reservation is made in the name of Jerry. If you will join, mail to Jerry. Tomohiro On Tue, 13 Nov 2012 18:36:29 -0500 Jerry Sobieski <jerry@sobieski.net> wrote:
Hi all - sorry for spamming both lists...
For those of you at SC, I would like to propose a dinner Wednesday night for those involved in the NSI and AutoGOLE demos. Time and place TBD, but some place nice enough for everyone to relax and not talk about NSI or AutoGOLEs etc. I am thinking around 8 or 9pm... there is a good Brazilian Steak House nearby... and I hear Chin knows a good Thai restaurant....:-)
If you are interested, please drop me a note.
Thanks Jerry