Hi all, I won't be able to participate today. But I want to do a remark on a section John sent. * - description of how NS might be provided and used - by small users - by infrastructure providers - by virtual organizations* I don't think NSI should care how a service (NS) is provided and used by anyone, but just the way of requesting it. Be careful about this. Best regards, Eduard 2009/3/17 John Vollbrecht <jrv@internet2.edu>
We will have a call tomorrow for architecture subgroup at 9 ET (2 CET) [I think this is Daylight saving confusion time].
call info-- Call: +1-734-615-7474 (PSTN CALL-OUT DOES NOT WORK) or +1-866-411-0013 (toll free US/Canada Only) Enter access code: 0155180
tentative agenda
1) review OGF meeting ( I am not sure if we have minutes for the meetings) 2) plan next steps for creating doc
For next steps, I suggest that we try to get a document in strawman form for OGF at end of May. We can discuss how to best do this. My current thinking is that it would be good split the document into sections and have small groups take responsibiliy for each section.
Some possible sections - overview of NS and NSI, including terms and definitions - description of how NS might be provided and used - by small users - by infrastructure providers - by virtual organizations - requirements that are needed from other standards groups - scheduling - Trust and authentication - negotiation - connectivity (topology) sharing - pathfinding - joint standardization - naming and network modeling - Interface requirements for "support" information - seems to me that topology, pathfinding, scheduling might be done on either side of the interface. I am thinking it would be good to explore this.
Others ?
The above is to start discussion.
John Vollbrecht Senior Network Engineer, Internet2 office 734 352 4960 cell 734 395 7890
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