Hi Hans- Thanks for the comments...I have some response in line...
On 3/1/13 6:46 AM, Hans Trompert wrote:
Hi Jerry,
I only pick the two most important things to react on:
On 02/28/2013 01:51 PM, Jerry Sobieski wrote:
During the released period, the resource can indeed be used for
something else - how the "system" keeps track of this is an
implementation issue.
You are assuming a lot of functionality from a NRM/NMS that most of the
current systems do not have an probably will not have in the (near)
future. Because of the very diverse traffic profiles in NRENs the
biggest problem in NREN networks is the traffic engineering, and the NSI
Release is not helping here.
Not really...NSI does not *assume* anything about the NRMs. I am
only pointing out what an NRM *could* be able to do if the
developers of that NRM were creative and might want to do so...
I..e the Release gives the NRM this option - it does require that
the NRM do anything during a Release.
I find the observation a bit odd on two levels.
A) NSI is not intended to simply reflect what NRMs can or cannot
do. Indeed, NSI has tried very carefully to *not* define or assume
anything about the NRMs beyond their general
responsibility/authority to manage things internally within a
domain. NSI is intended to be an interdomain
framework/protocols that everyone will agree to implement regardless
of the capabilities of any particular internal NRM. NSI defines
the framework and the protocol semantics - what is to be
accomplished by each primitive. It is the responsibility of the
NSI implementors to implement the protocol as specified and
adapt/interface those NSI primitive semantics to their NRM. Thus
the external behaviour and appearance of all NSI agents and domains
is consistent across all NSI agents. How the implementors adapt the
NSI semantics to their particular NRM context is an implementation
issue we leave to them to solve. (We don't mean to make this
difficult, but there are many NRMs that all behave differently -
some are probably smarter than others, but we don't make a
B) The "Release" is probably the least complex primitive in the CS
protocol. A Release() *IS* optional in its usage and in the life
cycle of a Connection - just as a Cancel() is optional in its usage
as well. I.e. a user does *not* need to Release() their
Connection prior to Cancel()ing the reservation. They can have an
active circuit and immdeiately Cancel the reservation, or just do
nothing and let it expire, and both the active circuit and the
reserved resources all goes away fine.
However, this does not mean the Release() primitive is optional in
the protocol implementation. A PA must implement the
Release as it is a legitimate and required primitive in the
protocol. (This is the issue we are discussing - whether to keep
the primitive in the protocol or not.) *IF* a user RA issues a
Release command, the PA is bound by the standard to recognize it,
process it as specified, and change the Connection's state to
"released". It is here that the standard has left great leeway to
the implementors in that we did not specify what happens to the
resources associated with the Connection during the released
window. All we said is that the Connection is no longer In Service
(i.e. not "Active") and that the Reservation is retained so that the
Connection can subsequently be re-provisioned. This actually
requires very little of the PA implementation - i.e. the NRM may in
fact not do anything internally...just sits there with an idle
Connection in place. Why is this hard or difficult? In such a
case, an NSI Query would return a "Released" state...as should any
children. And as stated, there is no requirement for
the data plane to be functional during a Release'd window - though
in many cases might in fact remain unchanged. (Continuing to carry
traffic while released I think may pose a security issue,...but its
a corner case we needn't worry about right now.)
So, as it stands, the NRMs are not required to do much (if anything)
to effect a "released" state. The NSA will need to reflect the
state, and the NSA is expected to progress the Release() down the
service tree to inform any children, but the NRM pretty much just
has to say "Ok...I'll ignore alarms until I get the order to
reactivate it." ... right?
Then - if and only if you want to - you could have your NRM do
something wonderful or useful with the suspended resources like
shunt some best effort traffic across that links, or maybe you
noticed FEC errors increasing but hadn't caused any issues yet, and
so you might want to adjust power or attenuation to see if they can
push them back down... NSI does not currently state what you can
or cannot do while the Connection is Released... only that the data
plane is not required to be functional, and data
plane resources should remain allocated so that the circuit can be
brought back into Active state. (I don't think it even officially
asserts that the same resources are required...just that the
Connection as specified can be re-Activated ...)
I think the Release concept needs re-analysis...potentially even
should be expanded or redefined. Maybe it should be renamed to
"Suspend()" to avert confusion about what it does. It should be
able to be sent up the tree as well as down the tree - thus allowing
uPAs to request that the circuit be idled in order to address a
problem and thus giving the user a means of gracefully handling an
unexpected and/or temporary interruption. This would also allow a
problem encountered in one domain to be communicated upstream and
downstream to other domains serving the connection instance. It
probably should have an optional restart time or suspension duration
- which would allow the RA or PA to indicate/know how much time is
available or when it must be active again...a veritable auto-start
for re-provisioning.
All of these have both positive and negative second and third order
affects on the protocol and framework - and the implementations as
well - and I assert that these should be thoroughly considered
before we take a decision and change anything. Thus (IMO) the
change is not critical, but is also non-trivial, and so we should
not make a rushed decision now as we are trying to get v2 out the
I'm fine with the Release being in CS 2.0
but please make it optional. And please do not make any major changes to
CS 2.0 any more, this months OGF is the NSI WG last chance of making
this version final IMHO.
My proposal for today is exactly this: leave it as is for now.
Side comment about "optional" primitives or fields in a standard:
Be clear on what we mean by "optional" in terms of implementation
and "optional" in terms of usage. A field may be defined
as optional in its usage meaning that if it is present it must
be recognized and processed according to the standard,
but it is not required to be present. This *requires* an
implementation to "implement" the field even though it may be
optional in its usage. Alternatively, a field or primitive that
is described in the standard, but is not required to be
recognized and processed in a specific
manner, is essentially a non-standard extension and
should not be included at all as part of the "standard".
In the standard, there are no optional primitives or fields that
need not be implemented. Even if the processing of a specific field
is "may be ignored" it must nevertheless be recognized and processed
in that manner. i.e. it *must* be implemented. This is how we
treat Modify() in version 2 - as optional in its usage - it *must*
recognized, and can be processed as: one of two actions: a) it may
be ignored and a status reflecting such is returned, or b) it can be
acted upon to modify the parameters associated with a connection.
Thus Modify must be implemented, even if there is an escape clause
that says you can just essentially ignore it for now (on the
presumption that it is a complex task that may take a while to be
actually be functionally enabled.)
We put it on the list of v3 issues and have the discussion then.
We already have 4 customers who have implemented CS 1.0sc into their
software. With the introduction of CS 2.0 we will support them to make
the move from 1.0 to 2.0 as we do not want to keep 1.0 around for to
long. We have to spend a fair amount of resources on this. Please do not
expect that we are willing to do this again any time soon to move from
2.0 to 3.0. As far as I am concerned, anything that is not in 2.0 right
now we will have to learn to life without for quite some time (assuming
you want to avoid forcing people to do all kinds of complex multi
version aggregation).
This is exactly why I caution the Working Group that *ANY* change to
any aspect of the standards needs to be VERY CAREFULLY considered in
its implications before including it, or excluding it.
I don't think anyone is trying to be callous regarding the efforts
developers invest to get things to work. They are to be commended
for diving in early - and you all for lending them assistance - this
certainly helps define the end result.
But there *will* be changes and enhancements to NSI over the coming
years. We can't do it all at once, thus we have a phased approach
of version 1, then version 2, version 3,... Hopefully, and I think
demonstrably, the work is incrementally improving and converging to
a mature set of protocol primitives that will change less from one
version to the next.
I would assert that there are still features that even the users
would like to see matured and evolve. Some of these changes will
affect existing code, some will not. For instance, a Topology
Service may be relevant to some agents while others will ignore it
altogether; the Discovery Service that at least advertises the
versions an agent runs is an attempt to make the reality of
different versions less of an obstacle to deployment and
development, monitoring and performance verification services need
to integrate smoothly, and ability to build multi-point connections,
and integration with SDN environments, or a Modify capability that
has been tested and proven... Modify is a good example- We
delayed that from v1 to v2 because it was a very complex process
that had *many* implications. Nevertheless it was deemed a
necessary feature for emerging service environments...and driven by
users who wanted the capability. That is the case now with
point-to-multipoint, and topology distribution, and monitoring, and
I will bet you there are some fundamental changes coming that will
be required to make the whole framework work more reliably - and
simpler - as we learn more and gain experience as we deploy it.
So I do not advocate moving ahead to each new version as quickly as
it hits the press. Production codes and environments are by nature
conservative in this sense. And the NSI WG is sensitive to the
issue of version migration and backward compatibility. Indeed, we
have had some heated debates on how to address this particular
One last soapbox comment: The NSI effort is a "Standards" effort.
This is not an engineering project. The NSI objective is to find agreement
and consensus so that we all do these things in the
same way - everywhere. We have a group of autonomous organizations
with very broad set of interests, infrastructure, expertise,
policies, and requirements. There is no king to decide how we
proceed - as a group we all need to reach agreement in order to
proceed because to do otherwise will not produce a standard. This
becomes a political process as much as a technical process. It
requires both a high level of technical expertise, an ability to
advocate, explain, listen, and compromise, and a significant amount
of time for the group to reach a common set of concepts and
processes. I suspect if you put four smart people in a room they
may be able to progress faster, but I think the result would be far
less impressive and you will continue to have other folks building
islands of incompatible services. The NSI framework is novel
because we did/do have an open forum that incorporated some
novel ideas and for that reason it takes longer than most managers
or technical folks think is necessary or or are comfortable with.
On the other hand, we have been taking a technical approach to these
capabiliteis for 20+ years and still have no common or ubiquitous
provisioning framework.. So I am very much bullish on NSI even when
it seems slow and plodding. So please try to be patient and keep
the big picture in view. We *do* need to get v2 out the door asap,
but as much as anything this so that networks/apps can lean on v2
while we begin working on v3 and all the features we still need to
Thanks for the input, Hans.
Best regards
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