See my comments in your G.805/G.800 document. I think that
applying G.800 to a NSI network example as you have done here is an interesting
exercise. I think the G.800 is a good model that looks well thought
through and fits the NSI requirement for a vendor independent network description.
G.800 is diagrammatic oriented, as far as I understand the
use of this is that it can be used as an object oriented model for creating a
database that describes a network in a network management system (TMN
principles). But what we really need is a description language that will
allow this network model to be exchanged over the NSI interface. I guess the
process of creating such a language is the role of the NML group. As far
as I can see ITU-T does not have anything like this for G.800 (because it is an
object oriented database model only?). Perhaps Freek can comment on this
in tomorrow’s call.
Guy Roberts, Ph.D
Network Engineering &
Tel: +44 (0)1223 371 316
City House, 126-130
Hills Road
Cambridge, CB2 1PQ,