Comment #2 on issue 97 by thost...@gmail.com: Add ServiceType element to reservation criteria. http://code.google.com/p/ogf-nsi-project/issues/detail?id=97 Hi, so the current suggestion: <criteria version="1"> <schedule> <startTime>2013-‐09-‐30T09:30:10Z</startTime> <endTime>2013-‐09-‐30T10:30:10Z</endTime> </schedule> <serviceAttributes> <p2p:p2pService> .. Could we consider dumping the serviceAttributes alltogether, and going for something like this: <criteria version="1"> <schedule> <startTime>2013-‐09-‐30T09:30:10Z</startTime> <endTime>2013-‐09-‐30T10:30:10Z</endTime> </schedule> <p2p:p2pService> ... I.e., having a single ANY element. The QName of the element would define the service request type. -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at: https://code.google.com/hosting/settings