During coding I noticed a couple schema issues that will need to be addressed after the GLIF demo. I will submit an update for them, but please do not incorporate the update until after the demo.
1. Removal of ftypes namespace and import statement from ogf_nsi_services_p2p_v2_0.xsd as a hold over from when the STP definition was in the service schema. This is will be a backward compatible change and will not result in any impact to existing code.
2. The only dependency the ogf_nsi_services_types_v2_0.xsd has on the ftypes namespace is for the "TypeValuePairListType" as seen below in the labels definition. There can be build issues when importing the WSDL through jax-ws and the services through jaxb compilers. Conflicting package names can result if the default namespace is used during compile for the package names. To fix this issue I would like to remove use of the ftypes namespace in the services types by replacing labels within the STP definition with something local to the ogf_nsi_services_types_v2_0.xsd file.
<!-- Type definitions for services types. -->
<xsd:complexType name="StpType">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The Service Termination Point (STP) type used for path selection.
networkId - A globally unique identifier (URN) that identifies the
Network. Rather than forcing parsing of an STP to determine the
Network, a separate Network object is defined to allow an
intermediate NSA to forward the message to the target Network
without needing to know about the STPs within that domain.
localId - A locally unique identifier for the STP within the
associated network.
labels - Technology specific attributes associated with
the Service Termination Point.
<xsd:element name="networkId" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="localId" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="labels" type="ftypes:TypeValuePairListType" minOccurs="0" />