On Fri, 31 May 2013, Jeroen van der Ham wrote:
I should add: this document is meant to be merely informative. It is not a standard, since it does not prescribe or define any specific mechanism.
I think it is infeasible to define a standard for topology exchange in time for NSI v2.0. Then again, my expectation last year was that NSI v2.0 would already be published by now, so I could be wrong.
I think we will need something. But having it out after the CS v2 document is not an inherent problem. In fact, keeping the topology distribution seperate from the CS protocol is probably a good thing. IMO, the HTTP based distribution of topology files is good enough for the immedidate time. It solves the immediate problems of not having network host their own topology and the lack of being able to update it dynamically. It is not a clever, do-all, scale-to-the-moon approach, but those solutions tend to take a lot of time to hash out. Should we write something up on how to do this? I think the document should be fairly small. Essentially there is something like this: 1. Discover Topology URLs from other NSAs discovery service or their topology files. Iterate on this process, until no new networks are found or stop at some defined hop level. 2. Build a topology model from the process in 1. 3. Repeat the process at 1, at some interval - say every other hour - to continously update the topology. For the case of 1000 NSAs, and hourly updates, that is 24000 req/day to serve, or 6.67 req/sec, which is nothing for an HTTP server these days. Best regards, Henrik Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net> Software Developer, NORDUnet