Hi Jeroen, Jerry and all, It will be not easy to do two separate demonstrations. It will overload those who have developed v2 implementation, and it will be hard to understand what we are doing for the audiences. AIST decided to develop an aggregator which can talk to both v1 uPA and v2 uPA. With this aggregator, we will be able to have a unified demo. Jeroen, will you be able to develop a QA which will talk to AIST aggregator using v2 query? Tomohiro On Wed, 31 Oct 2012 09:05:19 +0100 Jeroen van der Ham <vdham@uva.nl> wrote:
It is unfortunate that opennsa does not support v2 yet. This means that several important GOLEs can not participate in the v2 demo. But it also means that my scheduling and querying tools do not work. These tools would need to be reimplemented for v2 by someone else if we want the automated earth and AIST monitor to work.
A simpler solution would be to see if we can make a v1 - v2 proxy, so that we can do a complete demonstration.
I understand it is not desirable to have v1 proxying, and this should be disabled after SC.
On 31 okt. 2012, at 03:27, Jerry Sobieski <jerry@nordu.net> wrote:
Here are some slides how I would like to set up the demos for NSI v2 and Automated GOLE.
We can discuss on NSI call ...
Jerry <Supercomputing2012-SLC AutomatedGOLE Update.pptx> <Supercomputing2012-SLC AutomatedGOLE Update.pptx.pdf>