Yes you can combine them if you need to. But I think the protocol will work without them combined. The csProviderEndpoint value tells the RA how to contact the PA for a network. The RA fills in the replyTo field within the SOAP request to tell the PA how to respond with the confirmation, failed, or forcedEnd messages. Jerry will have a stroke, but this would allow an RA-only entity to not need to be in the topology file. If we want to remove the requirement for the replyTo field and force all RA addresses into the topology file then we could do that. We would then do a lookup for the NSA csRequesterEndpoint in topology before sending a confirmation. Comments? John. On 2011-08-31, at 10:35 AM, Michał Balcerkiewicz wrote:
I want to clarify a bit on NSI services – currently when generating sources from the NSI wsdls we get two services (RA and PA) and each one has its own url. I try to combine them together so they will be accessible under a single url, suitable for csProviderEndpoint.
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