Hello NSI team, I am organizing dinner at OGF meeting in Lincoln college Oxford (http://www.lincoln.ox.ac.uk/Sample-Menus) to celebrate the submission of the NSI CS standard. This will be on Wednesday evening. We will be having Menu A (see attachment) which will be £36 plus drinks. My provisional list of attendees is: Tomohiro + 1 AIST person Hans T. Guy R. Richard H-J. Diederik V. Freek D. Henrik TJ. Tangui C. Brian B. Kostas S. Radek K. Chin G. Lars F. Could you please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from this list? Thanks, Guy _____________________________________________________________________ Guy Roberts PhD Senior Transport Network Architect DANTE Cambridge, UK +44 1223 371316 DANTE is the project co-ordinator and operator of GÉANT, the high-speed pan-European research and education network that is transforming the way researchers collaborate. Learn more at: www.geant.net<http://www.geant.net/> Like us on: www.facebook.com/GEANTnetwork<http://www.facebook.com/GEANTnetwork> Follow us at: www.twitter.com/GEANTnews<http://www.twitter.com/GEANTnews> DANTE is the trading name of Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Limited registered in England & Wales. Registration Number 2806796. Registered Office - 9400 Garsington Road, Oxford Business Park, Oxford OX4 2HN. _____________________________________________________________________