Hi All,


We have created a Skype IM group for discussing NSI issues.  The intention is to try Skype IM based meetings, meeting times will be announced on this email list in the normal way. 


The skype group is called NSI-wg and will appear on your conversation tab once you receive your first message from the group.  You can select the ‘save group in contacts’ button for future use. For more details see this link - http://www.skype.com/allfeatures/group-im/


If you would like to be added to this skype group please let one of the co-chairs, Chin, Joan or Radek know and we can add you to the group.





Guy  Roberts,  Ph.D


Network Engineering & Planning

DANTE - www.dante.net

Tel: +44 (0)1223 371 316

City House, 126-130 Hills Road 

Cambridge, CB2 1PQ, UK
