LOL - That is how I originally defined the STP in our NSI schema but you Jerry argued against it and made me change it to a string!!!!  I think I might start ignoring you and do what I think is best.  It seems to be the correct answer in the end ;-)

On 2012-06-29, at 12:37 PM, Jerry Sobieski wrote:

I would phrase #3 a bit differently:  The STP name is already and *by definition* a 2-tuple consisting of the network (domain) identifier and a local identifier.   These two elements together comprise the STP name.   I would suggest that an STP reference might be a compound object ala:

This #3 is (IMO) the best solution.  It explicitly delineates the <networkid> component from the <localid> component - which means parsing a single string or URN is not required, and the name-domain mapping is explicit in the reference precluding the need for a directory.   With the compound reference, as long as the network can be found in the topology, the NSI PF does not need to know specifically how to route to the local end point.  the local NSA will resolve that internally.