Hi On Fri, 20 Dec 2013, Jeroen van der Ham wrote:
The schemas/test2.xml is (very) outdated. I suggest removing it.
Did you forgot to push this?
I would - very much - like to have xs:any under the nsi:NSA (I was actually under the impression that it was there already). It is also a bit weird of us to complain about NML not having them, and not adding them ourselves. Here is a patch:
--- a/schemas/nsi-ext.xsd +++ b/schemas/nsi-ext.xsd @@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ <xs:element ref="nsi:Interface" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="nsi:Relation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="nml:Topology" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> + <!-- the local one is needed for xmllint to not complain about determinism --> + <xs:any namespace="##local" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> + <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent>
Doesn’t the inheritance from NetworkObject already include the xs:any ?
One should think so. It is certainly possible that it is just libxml2/xmllint which is buggy here, but it didn't validate for me. My xsd-foo is too weak to really give a proper answer to this.
There is a bug in libxml2 that will complain about the model not being deterministic when not having the local there. It is actually, but since a lot of people use libxml2, I've added the local element.
Sounds good to me.
Since we added the labelType in the SwitchingService, I think it should be in the example.
Good point, do you have an example?
Possibly: <nml:Topology id="urn:ogf:network:...."> ... <nml:SwitchingService id="urn:ogf:network:example.net:2012:nodeA:switchingService" labelSwapping="true" labelType="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2012/10/ethernet#vlan"> ... I hope this is right.
Will the namespaces by updated?
Yes, the namespace will be updated to the date of publication of the document (as happened with NML). I have not updated them yet, because I have no idea when this would happen.
One more thing. I think we discussed - and perhaps decided - to an NSI extension for capacity on the ports. AFAICT that isn't it currently; I think we should consider adding it.
Iirc that depended on adding an attribute to a Port, which I’m not sure how to do in an extension schema.
Well, you cannot really define a new type, as the would make something is not longer an NML port. I think the way is to define an attribute in nsi-ext.xsd , like this: + + <!-- capacity of a port, attribute for Port and PortGroup --> + <xs:attribute name="capacity" /> + Doing this: <nml:PortGroup id="urn:ogf:network:aruba.net:ps-out" nsi:capacity="1000"> Is okay with xmllint at least. But I don't really know if this is the correct way of doing things. Best regards, Henrik Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net> Software Developer, NORDUnet