Hello All,
I have tentatively booked an NSI meeting at TNC 17. Please see draft agenda below and let me know if you have any other suggestions
for topics.
I will advise on the meeting time and location as soon as this becomes available.
From: TNC17 [mailto:tnc17@lists.geant.org]
Sent: 14 December 2016 17:47
To: Guy Roberts <guy.roberts@geant.org>
Subject: TNC17 Meeting Submission
This is an automated message. Thank you for your meeting submission.
Title: NSI working group meeting
Proposer names and affiliations: Guy Roberts and Chin Guok
Five keywords: NSI, standards, protocol, working meeting.
Meeting format: public meeting with presentations
Technical requirements: projector
Short introduction: This is a working meeting for the Network Service Interface (NSI) working group in the Open Grid Forum. The meeting is open to all to attend and will focus on discussing the next generation of NSI standards. Draft agenda for the NSI
meeting at TNC17: - Future of NSI - Jerry short presentation on GTS (to be confirmed) - Discuss defining a light-weight REST interface - Who and how do people use NSI? Review how it is used. - Jun Bi from CERNET to discuss their East-West bridge (to be confirmed)
Intended audience: technical audience interested in NSI protocol development
Estimated number of attendees: 10
Duration: 3 hours
Budget holder: SA1
TNC17 Event Team