Hi all- I need an inventory of which implementation teams will have some v2 capability that can be displayed at GLIF and SC. And a general sense of what features will be in some form demonstrable at each stage. For instance: OpenDRAC will have the alpha v2 SM ready less modify() functions by glif, and full SM and topology processing by SC. or: OpenNSA will have basic v2 (NDL) topology processing, but only bidirectional connections, and no modify by GLIF, better topo and uni/bi connections at SC. Modify by SC. (These are just examples) Consider GLIF "alpha" mode - some basic functionality, but much work still necessary. SC should be "beta" mode - more v2 features, and those features generally working pretty well. And then by TIP in mid January would be v2Q1 (Qualification) where we'll be trying to exercise and demonstrate important v2 capabilities in a convincing manner. So please let me know the following: a) Which package (OpenNSa, DRAC, OSCARS, Autobahn etc.) b) Which v2 feature(s) you are pursuing and hope to have working to some degree by GLIF, and by SC. c) When will you be able to run your v2 code on the AutoGOLE hardware? (We need to plan a migration date.) We are trying to sort out the details for topology specifics, and which capabilities we can talk about at the GLIF presentations, and which implementations can do things like PF and aggregation... NOTE: We are only expecting v2 in "alpha" version for GLIF - some basic demonstrable v2 capabilities. Our intent at GLIF is to show v2 as far along as we can. Not fake it, but where features are making progress, we'd like to show that. And we want to show that there are numerous implementations that are implementing v2. This is about presenting NSIv2 as the result of lessons learned from v1, and an express intent to round out v2 with a more mature and production capable feature set. Thanks Jerry